/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ import {HostInstance} from '../../../types/public/ReactNativeTypes'; import {EmitterSubscription} from '../../vendor/emitter/EventEmitter'; type AccessibilityChangeEventName = | 'change' // deprecated, maps to screenReaderChanged | 'boldTextChanged' // iOS-only Event | 'grayscaleChanged' // iOS-only Event | 'invertColorsChanged' // iOS-only Event | 'reduceMotionChanged' | 'highTextContrastChanged' // Android-only Event | 'darkerSystemColorsChanged' // iOS-only Event | 'screenReaderChanged' | 'reduceTransparencyChanged'; // iOS-only Event type AccessibilityChangeEvent = boolean; type AccessibilityChangeEventHandler = ( event: AccessibilityChangeEvent, ) => void; type AccessibilityAnnouncementEventName = 'announcementFinished'; // iOS-only Event type AccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEvent = { announcement: string; success: boolean; }; type AccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEventHandler = ( event: AccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEvent, ) => void; type AccessibilityEventTypes = 'click' | 'focus' | 'viewHoverEnter'; /** * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/accessibilityinfo */ export interface AccessibilityInfoStatic { /** * Query whether bold text is currently enabled. * * @platform ios */ isBoldTextEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether grayscale is currently enabled. * * @platform ios */ isGrayscaleEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether invert colors is currently enabled. * * @platform ios */ isInvertColorsEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether reduce motion is currently enabled. */ isReduceMotionEnabled: () => Promise; /** * * Query whether high text contrast is currently enabled. * * @platform android */ isHighTextContrastEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether darker system colors is currently enabled. * * @platform ios */ isDarkerSystemColorsEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether reduce motion and prefer cross-fade transitions settings are currently enabled. * * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. * The result is `true` when prefer cross-fade transitions is enabled and `false` otherwise. */ prefersCrossFadeTransitions(): Promise; /** * Query whether reduce transparency is currently enabled. * * @platform ios */ isReduceTransparencyEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether a screen reader is currently enabled. */ isScreenReaderEnabled: () => Promise; /** * Query whether Accessibility Service is currently enabled. * * Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean. * The result is `true` when any service is enabled and `false` otherwise. * * @platform android */ isAccessibilityServiceEnabled(): Promise; /** * Add an event handler. Supported events: * - announcementFinished: iOS-only event. Fires when the screen reader has finished making an announcement. * The argument to the event handler is a dictionary with these keys: * - announcement: The string announced by the screen reader. * - success: A boolean indicating whether the announcement was successfully made. * - AccessibilityEventName constants other than announcementFinished: Fires on accessibility feature change. * The argument to the event handler is a boolean. * The boolean is true when the related event's feature is enabled and false otherwise. * */ addEventListener( eventName: AccessibilityChangeEventName, handler: AccessibilityChangeEventHandler, ): EmitterSubscription; addEventListener( eventName: AccessibilityAnnouncementEventName, handler: AccessibilityAnnouncementFinishedEventHandler, ): EmitterSubscription; /** * Set accessibility focus to a react component. */ setAccessibilityFocus: (reactTag: number) => void; /** * Post a string to be announced by the screen reader. */ announceForAccessibility: (announcement: string) => void; /** * Post a string to be announced by the screen reader. * - `announcement`: The string announced by the screen reader. * - `options`: An object that configures the reading options. * - `queue`: The announcement will be queued behind existing announcements. iOS only. */ announceForAccessibilityWithOptions( announcement: string, options: {queue?: boolean | undefined}, ): void; /** * Gets the timeout in millisecond that the user needs. * This value is set in "Time to take action (Accessibility timeout)" of "Accessibility" settings. * * @platform android */ getRecommendedTimeoutMillis: (originalTimeout: number) => Promise; sendAccessibilityEvent: ( handle: HostInstance, eventType: AccessibilityEventTypes, ) => void; } export const AccessibilityInfo: AccessibilityInfoStatic; export type AccessibilityInfo = AccessibilityInfoStatic;