/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ import type {BlobCollector, BlobData, BlobOptions} from './BlobTypes'; import NativeBlobModule from './NativeBlobModule'; import invariant from 'invariant'; const Blob = require('./Blob'); const BlobRegistry = require('./BlobRegistry'); /*eslint-disable no-bitwise */ /*eslint-disable eqeqeq */ /** * Based on the rfc4122-compliant solution posted at * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034 */ function uuidv4(): string { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8; return v.toString(16); }); } // **Temporary workaround** // TODO(#24654): Use turbomodules for the Blob module. // Blob collector is a jsi::HostObject that is used by native to know // when the a Blob instance is deallocated. This allows to free the // underlying native resources. This is a hack to workaround the fact // that the current bridge infra doesn't allow to track js objects // deallocation. Ideally the whole Blob object should be a jsi::HostObject. function createBlobCollector(blobId: string): BlobCollector | null { if (global.__blobCollectorProvider == null) { return null; } else { return global.__blobCollectorProvider(blobId); } } /** * Module to manage blobs. Wrapper around the native blob module. */ class BlobManager { /** * If the native blob module is available. */ static isAvailable: boolean = !!NativeBlobModule; /** * Create blob from existing array of blobs. */ static createFromParts( parts: Array, options?: BlobOptions, ): Blob { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); const blobId = uuidv4(); const items = parts.map(part => { if (part instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(part)) { throw new Error( "Creating blobs from 'ArrayBuffer' and 'ArrayBufferView' are not supported", ); } if (part instanceof Blob) { return { data: part.data, type: 'blob', }; } else { return { data: String(part), type: 'string', }; } }); const size = items.reduce((acc, curr) => { if (curr.type === 'string') { return acc + global.unescape(encodeURI(curr.data)).length; } else { return acc + curr.data.size; } }, 0); NativeBlobModule.createFromParts(items, blobId); return BlobManager.createFromOptions({ blobId, offset: 0, size, type: options ? options.type : '', lastModified: options ? options.lastModified : Date.now(), }); } /** * Create blob instance from blob data from native. * Used internally by modules like XHR, WebSocket, etc. */ static createFromOptions(options: BlobData): Blob { BlobRegistry.register(options.blobId); // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] return Object.assign(Object.create(Blob.prototype), { data: // Reuse the collector instance when creating from an existing blob. // This will make sure that the underlying resource is only deallocated // when all blobs that refer to it are deallocated. options.__collector == null ? { ...options, __collector: createBlobCollector(options.blobId), } : options, }); } /** * Deallocate resources for a blob. */ static release(blobId: string): void { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); BlobRegistry.unregister(blobId); if (BlobRegistry.has(blobId)) { return; } NativeBlobModule.release(blobId); } /** * Inject the blob content handler in the networking module to support blob * requests and responses. */ static addNetworkingHandler(): void { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); NativeBlobModule.addNetworkingHandler(); } /** * Indicate the websocket should return a blob for incoming binary * messages. */ static addWebSocketHandler(socketId: number): void { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); NativeBlobModule.addWebSocketHandler(socketId); } /** * Indicate the websocket should no longer return a blob for incoming * binary messages. */ static removeWebSocketHandler(socketId: number): void { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); NativeBlobModule.removeWebSocketHandler(socketId); } /** * Send a blob message to a websocket. */ static sendOverSocket(blob: Blob, socketId: number): void { invariant(NativeBlobModule, 'NativeBlobModule is available.'); NativeBlobModule.sendOverSocket(blob.data, socketId); } } module.exports = BlobManager;