#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; // Keep this file in sync with lighthouse // TODO: have LH depend on this one. /** * @fileoverview Script to launch a clean Edge instance on-demand. * * Assuming Lighthouse is installed globally or `npm link`ed, use via: * edge-debug * Optionally enable extensions or pass a port, additional edge flags, and/or a URL * edge-debug --port=9222 * edge-debug http://goat.com * edge-debug --show-paint-rects * edge-debug --enable-extensions */ require('./compiled-check.js')('./dist/chromium-edge-launcher.js'); const {Launcher, launch} = require('./dist/chromium-edge-launcher'); const args = process.argv.slice(2); const edgeFlags = []; let startingUrl; let port; let ignoreDefaultFlags; if (args.length) { const providedFlags = args.filter(flag => flag.startsWith('--')); const portFlag = providedFlags.find(flag => flag.startsWith('--port=')); if (portFlag) port = parseInt(portFlag.replace('--port=', ''), 10); const enableExtensions = !!providedFlags.find(flag => flag === '--enable-extensions'); // The basic pattern for enabling Edge extensions if (enableExtensions) { ignoreDefaultFlags = true; edgeFlags.push(...Launcher.defaultFlags().filter(flag => flag !== '--disable-extensions')); } edgeFlags.push(...providedFlags); startingUrl = args.find(flag => !flag.startsWith('--')); } launch({ startingUrl, port, ignoreDefaultFlags, edgeFlags, }) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console .then(v => console.log(`✨ Edge debugging port: ${v.port}`));