{"version":3,"names":["VideoDimensions","constructor","params","_defineProperty","width","height","exports","VideoEncoderConfiguration","dimensions","frameRate","minFrameRate","bitrate","minBitrate","orientationMode","degradationPrefer","mirrorMode","BeautyOptions","lighteningContrastLevel","lighteningLevel","smoothnessLevel","rednessLevel","sharpnessLevel","AgoraImage","url","x","y","zOrder","alpha","TranscodingUser","uid","audioChannel","Color","red","green","blue","LiveTranscoding","transcodingUsers","videoBitrate","videoFramerate","lowLatency","videoGop","watermark","watermarkList","backgroundImage","backgroundImageList","audioSampleRate","audioBitrate","audioChannels","audioCodecProfile","videoCodecProfile","videoCodecType","backgroundColor","userConfigExtraInfo","metadata","advancedFeatures","ChannelMediaInfo","channelName","token","ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration","srcInfo","destInfos","LastmileProbeConfig","probeUplink","probeDownlink","expectedUplinkBitrate","expectedDownlinkBitrate","Rectangle","WatermarkOptions","visibleInPreview","positionInLandscapeMode","positionInPortraitMode","LiveInjectStreamConfig","RhythmPlayerConfig","beatsPerMeasure","beatsPerMinute","publish","CameraCapturerConfiguration","preference","captureWidth","captureHeight","cameraDirection","ChannelMediaOptions","autoSubscribeAudio","autoSubscribeVideo","publishLocalAudio","publishLocalVideo","EncryptionConfig","encryptionMode","encryptionKey","encryptionKdfSalt","ClientRoleOptions","audienceLatencyLevel","LogConfig","filePath","fileSize","level","DataStreamConfig","syncWithAudio","ordered","RtcEngineContext","appId","areaCode","logConfig","RtcEngineConfig","AudioRecordingConfiguration","recordingQuality","recordingPosition","recordingSampleRate","recordingChannel","VirtualBackgroundSource","backgroundSourceType","color","source","blur_degree","EchoTestConfiguration","enableAudio","enableVideo","channelId","MediaRecorderConfiguration","storagePath","containerFormat","streamType","maxDurationMs","recorderInfoUpdateInterval","ContentInspectModule","ContentInspectConfig","LocalAccessPointConfiguration","VideoDenoiserOptions","LowLightEnhanceOptions","ColorEnhanceOptions","ScreenCaptureParameters","ScreenVideoParameters","ScreenAudioParameters","SpatialAudioParams"],"sources":["Classes.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type {\r\n AreaCode,\r\n AudienceLatencyLevelType,\r\n AudioChannel,\r\n AudioCodecProfileType,\r\n AudioRecordingPosition,\r\n AudioRecordingQuality,\r\n AudioSampleRateType,\r\n CameraCaptureOutputPreference,\r\n CameraDirection,\r\n CaptureBrightnessLevelType,\r\n DegradationPreference,\r\n EncryptionMode,\r\n ExperiencePoorReason,\r\n ExperienceQualityType,\r\n LastmileProbeResultState,\r\n LighteningContrastLevel,\r\n LogLevel,\r\n NetworkQuality,\r\n VideoCodecProfileType,\r\n VideoCodecType,\r\n VideoFrameRate,\r\n VideoMirrorMode,\r\n VideoOutputOrientationMode,\r\n VideoQualityAdaptIndication,\r\n VideoStreamType,\r\n VirtualBackgroundBlurDegree,\r\n VirtualBackgroundSourceType,\r\n VideoCodecTypeForStream,\r\n VideoContentHint,\r\n} from './Enums';\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * The user information, including the user ID and user account.\r\n */\r\nexport interface UserInfo {\r\n /**\r\n * The user ID of a user.\r\n */\r\n uid: number;\r\n /**\r\n * The user account of a user.\r\n */\r\n userAccount: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * The video resolution.\r\n */\r\nexport class VideoDimensions {\r\n /**\r\n * The width (px) of the video encoding resolution.\r\n */\r\n width?: number;\r\n /**\r\n * The height (px) of the video encoding resolution.\r\n */\r\n height?: number;\r\n\r\n constructor(params?: { width?: number; height?: number }) {\r\n if (params) {\r\n this.width = params.width;\r\n this.height = params.height;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Definition of VideoEncoderConfiguration.\r\n */\r\nexport class VideoEncoderConfiguration {\r\n /**\r\n * The video frame dimensions (px), which is used to specify the video quality and measured by the total number of pixels along a\r\n * frame's width and height. The default value is 640 × 360.\r\n * You can customize the dimension, or select from the following list:\r\n *
]{@link VideoOutputOrientationMode}.Resolution | \r\n *Frame rate (fps) | \r\n * Base Bitrate (Kbps, for Communication) | \r\n * Live Bitrate (Kbps, for Live Broadcasting) | \r\n *
160*120 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *65 | \r\n *130 | \r\n *
120*120 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *50 | \r\n *100 | \r\n *
320*180 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *140 | \r\n *280 | \r\n *
180*180 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *100 | \r\n *200 | \r\n *
240*180 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *120 | \r\n *240 | \r\n *
320*240 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *200 | \r\n *400 | \r\n *
240*240 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *140 | \r\n *280 | \r\n *
424*240 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *220 | \r\n *440 | \r\n *
640*360 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *400 | \r\n *800 | \r\n *
360*360 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *260 | \r\n *520 | \r\n *
640*360 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *600 | \r\n *1200 | \r\n *
360*360 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *400 | \r\n *800 | \r\n *
480*360 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *320 | \r\n *640 | \r\n *
480*360 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *490 | \r\n *980 | \r\n *
640*480 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *500 | \r\n *1000 | \r\n *
480*480 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *400 | \r\n *800 | \r\n *
640*480 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *750 | \r\n *1500 | \r\n *
480*480 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *600 | \r\n *1200 | \r\n *
848*480 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *610 | \r\n *1220 | \r\n *
848*480 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *930 | \r\n *1860 | \r\n *
640*480 | \r\n *10 | \r\n *400 | \r\n *800 | \r\n *
1280*720 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *1130 | \r\n *2260 | \r\n *
1280*720 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *1710 | \r\n *3420 | \r\n *
960*720 | \r\n *15 | \r\n *910 | \r\n *1820 | \r\n *
960*720 | \r\n *30 | \r\n *1380 | \r\n *2760 | \r\n *
callback when the synchronized audio packet is played outStreamMessage
callback as soon as the data packet is received. In this case, the data packet is not synchronized with the audio packet.