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Parameters: `(filename: String, ext?: String)`<br> Returns: `String` ```js import { addExtension } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; export default function myPlugin(options = {}) { return { resolveId(code, id) { // only adds an extension if there isn't one already id = addExtension(id); // `foo` -> `foo.js`, `foo.js` -> `foo.js` id = addExtension(id, '.myext'); // `foo` -> `foo.myext`, `foo.js` -> `foo.js` } }; } ``` ### attachScopes Attaches `Scope` objects to the relevant nodes of an AST. Each `Scope` object has a `scope.contains(name)` method that returns `true` if a given name is defined in the current scope or a parent scope. Parameters: `(ast: Node, propertyName?: String)`<br> Returns: `Object` See [@rollup/plugin-inject](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/inject) or [@rollup/plugin-commonjs](https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/commonjs) for an example of usage. ```js import { attachScopes } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import { walk } from 'estree-walker'; export default function myPlugin(options = {}) { return { transform(code) { const ast = this.parse(code); let scope = attachScopes(ast, 'scope'); walk(ast, { enter(node) { if (node.scope) scope = node.scope; if (!scope.contains('foo')) { // `foo` is not defined, so if we encounter it, // we assume it's a global } }, leave(node) { if (node.scope) scope = scope.parent; } }); } }; } ``` ### createFilter Constructs a filter function which can be used to determine whether or not certain modules should be operated upon. Parameters: `(include?: <picomatch>, exclude?: <picomatch>, options?: Object)`<br> Returns: `(id: string | unknown) => boolean` #### `include` and `exclude` Type: `String | RegExp | Array[...String|RegExp]`<br> A valid [`picomatch`](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch#globbing-features) pattern, or array of patterns. If `options.include` is omitted or has zero length, filter will return `true` by default. Otherwise, an ID must match one or more of the `picomatch` patterns, and must not match any of the `options.exclude` patterns. Note that `picomatch` patterns are very similar to [`minimatch`](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch#readme) patterns, and in most use cases, they are interchangeable. If you have more specific pattern matching needs, you can view [this comparison table](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch#library-comparisons) to learn more about where the libraries differ. #### `options` ##### `resolve` Type: `String | Boolean | null` Optionally resolves the patterns against a directory other than `process.cwd()`. If a `String` is specified, then the value will be used as the base directory. Relative paths will be resolved against `process.cwd()` first. If `false`, then the patterns will not be resolved against any directory. This can be useful if you want to create a filter for virtual module names. #### Usage ```js import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; export default function myPlugin(options = {}) { // assume that the myPlugin accepts options of `options.include` and `options.exclude` var filter = createFilter(options.include, options.exclude, { resolve: '/my/base/dir' }); return { transform(code, id) { if (!filter(id)) return; // proceed with the transformation... } }; } ``` ### dataToEsm Transforms objects into tree-shakable ES Module imports. Parameters: `(data: Object, options: DataToEsmOptions)`<br> Returns: `String` #### `data` Type: `Object` An object to transform into an ES module. #### `options` Type: `DataToEsmOptions` _Note: Please see the TypeScript definition for complete documentation of these options_ #### Usage ```js import { dataToEsm } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; const esModuleSource = dataToEsm( { custom: 'data', to: ['treeshake'] }, { compact: false, indent: '\t', preferConst: true, objectShorthand: true, namedExports: true, includeArbitraryNames: false } ); /* Outputs the string ES module source: export const custom = 'data'; export const to = ['treeshake']; export default { custom, to }; */ ``` ### extractAssignedNames Extracts the names of all assignment targets based upon specified patterns. Parameters: `(param: Node)`<br> Returns: `Array[...String]` #### `param` Type: `Node` An `acorn` AST Node. #### Usage ```js import { extractAssignedNames } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import { walk } from 'estree-walker'; export default function myPlugin(options = {}) { return { transform(code) { const ast = this.parse(code); walk(ast, { enter(node) { if (node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { const declaredNames = extractAssignedNames(node.id); // do something with the declared names // e.g. for `const {x, y: z} = ...` => declaredNames = ['x', 'z'] } } }); } }; } ``` ### makeLegalIdentifier Constructs a bundle-safe identifier from a `String`. Parameters: `(str: String)`<br> Returns: `String` #### Usage ```js import { makeLegalIdentifier } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; makeLegalIdentifier('foo-bar'); // 'foo_bar' makeLegalIdentifier('typeof'); // '_typeof' ``` ### normalizePath Converts path separators to forward slash. Parameters: `(filename: String)`<br> Returns: `String` #### Usage ```js import { normalizePath } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; normalizePath('foo\\bar'); // 'foo/bar' normalizePath('foo/bar'); // 'foo/bar' ``` ## Meta [CONTRIBUTING](/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) [LICENSE (MIT)](/LICENSE)