# @vue/composition-api Vue 2 plugin for **Composition API** [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@vue/composition-api)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@vue/composition-api) [![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/vuejs/composition-api/test.yml)](https://github.com/vuejs/composition-api/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Build+%26+Test%22) [![Minzipped size](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/@vue/composition-api)](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=@vue/composition-api) English | [中文](./README.zh-CN.md) ・ [**Composition API Docs**](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/composition-api-introduction.html) > ⚠️ With the release of [Vue 2.7](https://blog.vuejs.org/posts/vue-2-7-naruto.html), which has Composition API built-in, **you no longer need this plugin**. Thereby this plugin has entered maintenance mode and will only support Vue 2.6 or earlier. This project will reach End of Life by the end of 2022. ## Installation ### NPM ```bash npm install @vue/composition-api # or yarn add @vue/composition-api ``` You must install `@vue/composition-api` as a plugin via `Vue.use()` before you can use the [Composition API](https://composition-api.vuejs.org/) to compose your component. ```js import Vue from 'vue' import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api' Vue.use(VueCompositionAPI) ``` ```js // use the APIs import { ref, reactive } from '@vue/composition-api' ``` > :bulb: When you migrate to Vue 3, just replacing `@vue/composition-api` to `vue` and your code should just work. ### CDN Include `@vue/composition-api` after Vue and it will install itself automatically. ```html ``` `@vue/composition-api` will be exposed to global variable `window.VueCompositionAPI`. ```ts const { ref, reactive } = VueCompositionAPI ``` ## TypeScript Support > TypeScript version **>4.2** is required To let TypeScript properly infer types inside Vue component options, you need to define components with `defineComponent` ```ts import { defineComponent } from '@vue/composition-api' export default defineComponent({ // type inference enabled }) ``` ### JSX/TSX JSX is now officially supported on [vuejs/jsx](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx). You can enable it by following [this document](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx/tree/dev/packages/babel-preset-jsx#usage). A community maintained version can be found at [babel-preset-vca-jsx](https://github.com/luwanquan/babel-preset-vca-jsx) by [@luwanquan](https://github.com/luwanquan). To support TSX, create a declaration file with the following content in your project. ```ts // file: shim-tsx.d.ts import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ComponentRenderProxy } from '@vue/composition-api'; declare global { namespace JSX { interface Element extends VNode {} interface ElementClass extends ComponentRenderProxy {} interface ElementAttributesProperty { $props: any; // specify the property name to use } interface IntrinsicElements { [elem: string]: any; } } } ``` ## SSR Even if there is no definitive Vue 3 API for SSR yet, this plugin implements the `onServerPrefetch` lifecycle hook that allows you to use the `serverPrefetch` hook found in the classic API. ```js import { onServerPrefetch } from '@vue/composition-api' export default { setup(props, { ssrContext }) { const result = ref() onServerPrefetch(async () => { result.value = await callApi(ssrContext.someId) }) return { result, } } } ``` ## Browser Compatibility `@vue/composition-api` supports all modern browsers and IE11+. For lower versions IE you should install `WeakMap` polyfill (for example from `core-js` package). ## Limitations > :white_check_mark: Support     :x: Not Supported ### `Ref` Unwrap
Should NOT use ref in a plain object when working with Array ```js const a = { count: ref(0), } const b = reactive({ list: [a], // `a.count` will not unwrap!! }) // no unwrap for `count`, `.value` is required b.list[0].count.value === 0 // true ``` ```js const b = reactive({ list: [ { count: ref(0), // no unwrap!! }, ], }) // no unwrap for `count`, `.value` is required b.list[0].count.value === 0 // true ```
Should always use ref in a reactive when working with Array ```js const a = reactive({ list: [ reactive({ count: ref(0), }), ] }) // unwrapped a.list[0].count === 0 // true a.list.push( reactive({ count: ref(1), }) ) // unwrapped a.list[1].count === 1 // true ```
### Template Refs
✅ String ref && return it from setup() ```html ```
✅ String ref && return it from setup() && Render Function / JSX ```jsx export default { setup() { const root = ref(null) onMounted(() => { // the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render console.log(root.value) //
}) return { root, } }, render() { // with JSX return () =>
}, } ```
❌ Function ref ```html ```
❌ Render Function / JSX in setup() ```jsx export default { setup() { const root = ref(null) return () => h('div', { ref: root, }) // with JSX return () =>
}, } ```
⚠️ $refs accessing workaround
> :warning: **Warning**: The `SetupContext.refs` won't exist in `Vue 3.0`. `@vue/composition-api` provide it as a workaround here. If you really want to use template refs in this case, you can access `vm.$refs` via `SetupContext.refs` ```jsx export default { setup(initProps, setupContext) { const refs = setupContext.refs onMounted(() => { // the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render console.log(refs.root) //
}) return () => h('div', { ref: 'root', }) // with JSX return () =>
}, } ```
### Reactive
⚠️ reactive() mutates the original object `reactive` uses `Vue.observable` underneath which will ***mutate*** the original object. > :bulb: In Vue 3, it will return a new proxy object.
⚠️ set and del workaround for adding and deleting reactive properties > ⚠️ Warning: `set` and `del` do NOT exist in Vue 3. We provide them as a workaround here, due to the limitation of [Vue 2.x reactivity system](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#For-Objects). > > In Vue 2, you will need to call `set` to track new keys on an `object`(similar to `Vue.set` but for `reactive objects` created by the Composition API). In Vue 3, you can just assign them like normal objects. > > Similarly, in Vue 2 you will need to call `del` to [ensure a key deletion triggers view updates](https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#Vue-delete) in reactive objects (similar to `Vue.delete` but for `reactive objects` created by the Composition API). In Vue 3 you can just delete them by calling `delete foo.bar`. ```ts import { reactive, set, del } from '@vue/composition-api' const a = reactive({ foo: 1 }) // add new reactive key set(a, 'bar', 1) // remove a key and trigger reactivity del(a, 'bar') ```
### Watch
onTrack and onTrigger are not available in WatchOptions ```js watch(() => { /* ... */ }, { immediate: true, onTrack() {}, // not available onTrigger() {}, // not available }) ```
### `createApp`
⚠️ createApp() is global In Vue 3, `createApp()` is introduced to provide context(plugin, components, etc.) isolation between app instances. Due the design of Vue 2, in this plugin, we provide `createApp()` as a forward compatible API which is just an alias of the global. ```ts const app1 = createApp(RootComponent1) app1.component('Foo', Foo) // equivalent to Vue.component('Foo', Foo) app1.use(VueRouter) // equivalent to Vue.use(VueRouter) const app2 = createApp(RootComponent2) app2.component('Bar', Bar) // equivalent to Vue.component('Bar', Bar) ```
### `createElement` / `h`
⚠️ createElement / h workaround
`createElement` / `h` in Vue 2 is only accessable in `render()` function. To use it outside of `render()`, you can explicitly bind a component instance to it. > :warning: **Warning**: This ability is provided as a workaround Vue 2, it's not part of the Vue 3 API. ```jsx import { h as _h } from '@vue/composition-api' export default { setup() { const vm = getCurrentInstance() const h = _h.bind(vm) return () => h('div', { ref: 'root', }) }, } ```
### `shallowReadonly`
⚠️ shallowReadonly() will create a new object and with the same root properties, new properties added will not be readonly or reactive. > :bulb: In Vue 3, it will return a new proxy object.
### `readonly`
⚠️ readonly() provides only type-level readonly check. `readonly()` is provided as API alignment with Vue 3 on type-level only. Use isReadonly() on it or it's properties can not be guaranteed.
### `props`
⚠️ toRefs(props.foo) will incorrectly warn when accessing nested levels of props.
    ⚠️ isReactive(props.foo) will return false.
```ts defineComponent({ setup(props) { const { bar } = toRefs(props.foo) // it will `warn` // use this instead const { foo } = toRefs(props) const a = foo.value.bar } }) ```
### `computed().effect`
⚠️ computed() has a property effect set to true instead of a ReactiveEffect. Due to the difference in implementation, there is no such concept as a `ReactiveEffect` in `@vue/composition-api`. Therefore, `effect` is merely `true` to enable differentiating computed from refs: ```ts function isComputed(o: ComputedRef | unknown): o is ComputedRef function isComputed(o: any): o is ComputedRef { return !!(isRef(o) && o.effect) } ```
### Missing APIs The following APIs introduced in Vue 3 are not available in this plugin. - `onRenderTracked` - `onRenderTriggered` - `isProxy` ### Reactive APIs in `data()`
❌ Passing ref, reactive or other reactive apis to data() would not work. ```jsx export default { data() { return { // will result { a: { value: 1 } } in template a: ref(1), } }, } ```
### `emits` Options
emits option is provided in type-level only, in order to align with Vue 3's type interface. Does NOT have actual effects on the code. ```ts defineComponent({ emits: { // has no effects submit: (eventOption) => { if (...) { return true } else { console.warn('Invalid submit event payload!') return false } } } }) ```
### Performance Impact Due the limitation of Vue2's public API. `@vue/composition-api` inevitably introduces some performance overhead. Note that in most scenarios, this shouldn't be the source of performance issues. You can check the [benchmark results](https://antfu.github.io/vue-composition-api-benchmark-results/) for more details.