# Conflicts:
#	jiuyi2/pages/news/chat/chat.vue
This commit is contained in:
sx 2025-02-25 18:43:15 +08:00
commit ce71b7942c
13 changed files with 1851 additions and 1570 deletions

jiuyi/node_modules/.vue-global-types/vue_99_0_0_0.d.ts generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// @ts-nocheck
export {};
; declare global {
const __VLS_intrinsicElements: __VLS_IntrinsicElements;
const __VLS_directiveBindingRestFields: { instance: null, oldValue: null, modifiers: any, dir: any };
const __VLS_unref: typeof import('vue').unref;
const __VLS_placeholder: any;
type __VLS_NativeElements = __VLS_SpreadMerge<SVGElementTagNameMap, HTMLElementTagNameMap>;
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements;
type __VLS_Element = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element;
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = import('vue').GlobalComponents;
type __VLS_GlobalDirectives = import('vue').GlobalDirectives;
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
type __VLS_SpreadMerge<A, B> = Omit<A, keyof B> & B;
type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, Self, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> =
N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N3] } :
Self extends object ? { [K in N0]: Self } :
N1 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N2] } :
N3 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N3 extends N0 ? Pick<__VLS_GlobalComponents, N0 extends keyof __VLS_GlobalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: __VLS_GlobalComponents[N3] } :
{ [K in N0]: unknown };
type __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<T, K> =
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: { props?: infer P } } ? NonNullable<P> : never
: T extends (props: infer P, ...args: any) => any ? P :
type __VLS_IsFunction<T, K> = K extends keyof T
? __VLS_IsAny<T[K]> extends false
? unknown extends T[K]
? false
: true
: false
: false;
type __VLS_NormalizeComponentEvent<Props, Events, onEvent extends keyof Props, Event extends keyof Events, CamelizedEvent extends keyof Events> = (
__VLS_IsFunction<Props, onEvent> extends true
? Props
: __VLS_IsFunction<Events, Event> extends true
? { [K in onEvent]?: Events[Event] }
: __VLS_IsFunction<Events, CamelizedEvent> extends true
? { [K in onEvent]?: Events[CamelizedEvent] }
: Props
) & Record<string, unknown>;
// fix https://github.com/vuejs/language-tools/issues/926
type __VLS_UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => unknown : never) extends ((arg: infer P) => unknown) ? P : never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, U = unknown> = U & T extends (...args: infer A) => infer R
? U extends T
? never
: __VLS_OverloadUnionInner<T, Pick<T, keyof T> & U & ((...args: A) => R)> | ((...args: A) => R)
: never;
type __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> = Exclude<
__VLS_OverloadUnionInner<(() => never) & T>,
T extends () => never ? never : () => never
type __VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> = __VLS_OverloadUnion<T> extends infer F
? F extends (event: infer E, ...args: infer A) => any
? { [K in E & string]: (...args: A) => void; }
: never
: never;
type __VLS_NormalizeEmits<T> = __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<
__VLS_ConstructorOverloads<T> & {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends any[] ? { (...args: T[K]): void } : never
type __VLS_PrettifyGlobal<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]; } & {};
type __VLS_PickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K> = NonNullable<__VLS_PickNotAny<
'__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: infer Ctx } ? Ctx : never : any
, T extends (props: any, ctx: infer Ctx) => any ? Ctx : any
type __VLS_OmitStringIndex<T> = {
[K in keyof T as string extends K ? never : K]: T[K];
type __VLS_UseTemplateRef<T> = Readonly<import('vue').ShallowRef<T | null>>;
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | string | any[] | Iterable<any>>(source: T): [
item: T extends number ? number
: T extends string ? string
: T extends any[] ? T[number]
: T extends Iterable<infer T1> ? T1
: any,
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
item: T[keyof T],
key: keyof T,
index: number,
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParams<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>;
// @ts-ignore
function __VLS_getSlotParam<T>(slot: T): Parameters<__VLS_PickNotAny<NonNullable<T>, (...args: any[]) => any>>[0];
function __VLS_asFunctionalDirective<T>(dir: T): T extends import('vue').ObjectDirective
? NonNullable<T['created' | 'beforeMount' | 'mounted' | 'beforeUpdate' | 'updated' | 'beforeUnmount' | 'unmounted']>
: T extends (...args: any) => any
? T
: (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] };
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):
T extends new (...args: any) => any
? (props: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & {
__ctx?: {
attrs?: any;
slots?: K extends { $slots: infer Slots } ? Slots : any;
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any;
expose?(exposed: K): void;
props?: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>;
: T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T>
: T extends (...args: any) => any ? T
: (_: {} & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: {} & Record<string, unknown> } };
function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): 2 extends Parameters<T>['length'] ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_asFunctionalElement<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (attrs: T & Record<string, unknown>) => void;
function __VLS_asFunctionalSlot<S>(slot: S): (props: NonNullable<S> extends (props: infer P) => any ? P : {}) => void;
function __VLS_tryAsConstant<const T>(t: T): T;

View File

@ -366,7 +366,6 @@ const mine = {
load: true,
* 添加银行卡
* @param {Object} param
@ -393,6 +392,30 @@ const mine = {
load: true,
* 拉黑
* @param {Object} param
blockUser(param) {
return util.request({
url: `/video/statistics/block`,
data: param,
method: 'POST',
* 解锁他人评论
* @param {Object} param
unlockComment(param) {
return util.request({
url: `/video/comment/unlockOthersComment`,
data: param,
method: 'POST',
export default mine

View File

@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ const video = {
reportVideo(param) {
return util.request({
url: `/report/reportVideo`,
url: `/video/videoReport`,
data: param.data,
method: 'POST',

View File

@ -42,7 +42,10 @@
const emit = defineEmits(['item'])
// id
const ids = defineModel('ids')
const videoInfo = reactive({
videoId: '',
coverUrl: '',
const videoContext = ref(null)
@ -86,15 +89,12 @@
else if (props.mode == 'menu') {
emit('item', item)
else if (props.mode == 'checkbox') {
const findIndex = ids.value.findIndex(node => node == item.videoId)
if (findIndex >= 0) ids.value.splice(findIndex, 1)
else {
if (props.limit != 0 && props.limit <= ids.value.length) return
videoInfo.videoId = item.id
videoInfo.coverUrl = item.coverUrl
videoUrl.value = item.videoUrl
emit('videoInfo', videoInfo)
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
<!-- 选项 -->
<view class="amount pa r0 t0 df ptb10 plr10" v-if="mode == 'checkbox'">
<uni-icons type="circle-filled" size="50rpx" color="#20D200" v-if="ids.includes(item.videoId)" />
<uni-icons type="circle-filled" size="50rpx" color="#20D200" v-if="videoInfo.videoId == item.id" />
<uni-icons type="circle" color="#fff" size="50rpx" v-else />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<script setup>
* 未实名认证组件
<view class="nologin pr fmid fdc">
<view class="title f40 b">请先实名认证</view>
<navigator url="/pages/mine/realname" class="button btn pro bar black mt60">去实名认证</navigator>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nologin {
.button {
width: 80%;

View File

@ -7,18 +7,14 @@ export {};
const __VLS_unref: typeof import('vue').unref;
const __VLS_placeholder: any;
const __VLS_nativeElements = {
...{} as SVGElementTagNameMap,
...{} as HTMLElementTagNameMap,
type __VLS_NativeElements = __VLS_SpreadMerge<SVGElementTagNameMap, HTMLElementTagNameMap>;
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements;
type __VLS_Element = import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element;
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = import('vue').GlobalComponents;
type __VLS_GlobalDirectives = import('vue').GlobalDirectives;
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;
type __VLS_unknownDirective = (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
type __VLS_SpreadMerge<A, B> = Omit<A, keyof B> & B;
type __VLS_WithComponent<N0 extends string, LocalComponents, Self, N1 extends string, N2 extends string, N3 extends string> =
N1 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N1 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N1] } :
N2 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N2 extends N0 ? Pick<LocalComponents, N0 extends keyof LocalComponents ? N0 : never> : { [K in N0]: LocalComponents[N2] } :
@ -81,19 +77,12 @@ export {};
type __VLS_UseTemplateRef<T> = Readonly<import('vue').ShallowRef<T | null>>;
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: number): [number, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType(source: string): [string, number][];
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends any[]>(source: T): [
item: T[number],
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: T extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never,
index: number,
// #3845
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any> }>(source: T): [
item: number | (Exclude<T, number> extends { [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<infer T1> } ? T1 : never),
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T extends number | string | any[] | Iterable<any>>(source: T): [
item: T extends number ? number
: T extends string ? string
: T extends any[] ? T[number]
: T extends Iterable<infer T1> ? T1
: any,
index: number,
function __VLS_getVForSourceType<T>(source: T): [
@ -109,21 +98,24 @@ export {};
? NonNullable<T['created' | 'beforeMount' | 'mounted' | 'beforeUpdate' | 'updated' | 'beforeUnmount' | 'unmounted']>
: T extends (...args: any) => any
? T
: __VLS_unknownDirective;
function __VLS_withScope<T, K>(ctx: T, scope: K): ctx is T & K;
: (arg1: unknown, arg2: unknown, arg3: unknown, arg4: unknown) => void;
function __VLS_makeOptional<T>(t: T): { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] };
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):
T extends new (...args: any) => any
? (props: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & { __ctx?: {
attrs?: any,
slots?: K extends { $slots: infer Slots } ? Slots : any,
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any
} & { props?: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>; expose?(exposed: K): void; } }
? (props: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => __VLS_Element & {
__ctx?: {
attrs?: any;
slots?: K extends { $slots: infer Slots } ? Slots : any;
emit?: K extends { $emit: infer Emit } ? Emit : any;
expose?(exposed: K): void;
props?: (K extends { $props: infer Props } ? Props : any) & Record<string, unknown>;
: T extends () => any ? (props: {}, ctx?: any) => ReturnType<T>
: T extends (...args: any) => any ? T
: (_: {} & Record<string, unknown>, ctx?: any) => { __ctx?: { attrs?: any, expose?: any, slots?: any, emit?: any, props?: {} & Record<string, unknown> } };
function __VLS_asFunctionalElement<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (_: T & Record<string, unknown>) => void;
function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): 2 extends Parameters<T>['length'] ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_normalizeSlot<S>(s: S): S extends () => infer R ? (props: {}) => R : S;
function __VLS_asFunctionalElement<T>(tag: T, endTag?: T): (attrs: T & Record<string, unknown>) => void;
function __VLS_asFunctionalSlot<S>(slot: S): (props: NonNullable<S> extends (props: infer P) => any ? P : {}) => void;
function __VLS_tryAsConstant<const T>(t: T): T;

View File

@ -46,10 +46,11 @@
const form = reactive({
userId: '',
videoId: [],
reason: '',
context: '',
pic: [],
videoId: '',
reasonForReporting: '',
particulars: '',
videoPictureUrl: '',
coverUrl: ''
const list = reactive({
@ -90,19 +91,11 @@
function getMoreList() {
if (list.data.length >= list.rows) return
function getList() {
query: {
isDraft: 0,
userId: form.userId,
pageSize: list.pageSize,
pageNum: list.pageNum,
@ -128,7 +121,10 @@
function uploadImg() {
value: form.pic,
type: 1,
success: rs => {
form.videoPictureUrl = rs.value
@ -137,11 +133,15 @@
* @param {Number} index 列表下标
* @param {String} key 操作的键
function removeMedia(index, key) {
function removeMedia(key) {
content: '确认要删除吗?',
}).then(rs => {
if (rs.confirm) form[key].splice(index, 1)
if (key == 'videoId') {
form.videoId = null
form.coverUrl = null
if (key == 'videoPictureUrl') form.videoPictureUrl = null
@ -157,30 +157,24 @@
if (!data.context) {
if (!data.particulars) {
if (data.context.length > 100) {
if (data.particulars.length > 100) {
if (!data.pic[0]) {
if (!data.videoPictureUrl) {
if (!data.videoId[0]) {
if (!data.videoId) {
data.reason = reportList[reportIndex.value].name
data.pic = data.pic.map(node => {
node = util.replace_url('node')
return node
data.videoId = data.videoId.join(',')
data.reasonForReporting = reportList[reportIndex.value].name
data: data,
@ -198,6 +192,13 @@
function videoInfo(param) {
console.log('选中视频信息', param);
form.videoId = param.videoId;
form.coverUrl = param.coverUrl;
@ -218,10 +219,10 @@
<view class="key">详细描述</view>
<view class="inputBox mt20 ptb15 plr15">
<textarea v-model="form.context" placeholder="请详细填写,以提高举报成功率。" />
<textarea v-model="form.particulars" placeholder="请详细填写,以提高举报成功率。" />
<view class="hint mt10 tar f20">{{form.context.length}}/100</view>
<view class="hint mt10 tar f20">{{ form.particulars.length }}/100</view>
<view class="line mtb50 uploadBox">
@ -233,14 +234,15 @@
<view class="imgList images mt20">
<view class="item upload fmid pr mr20 br10" @click="uploadImg">
<view v-if="!form.videoPictureUrl" class="item upload fmid pr mr20 br10" @click="uploadImg">
<uni-icons type="plusempty" color="#D8D8D8" size="100rpx" />
<view class="imgs item mr20 br10" v-for="(item,index) in form.pic" :key="index">
<image class="br10" :src="item" mode="aspectFill" />
<view v-else class="imgs item mr20 br10">
<image class="br10" :src="form.videoPictureUrl" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="close">
<uni-icons type="clear" size="30rpx" color="red" @click="removeMedia(index,'pic')" />
<uni-icons type="clear" size="30rpx" color="red"
@click="removeMedia('videoPictureUrl')" />
@ -251,15 +253,15 @@
<view class="key">选择视频</view>
<view class="list pr mt20">
<view class="item fmid oh br10" @click="$refs.select.open()">
<view v-if="!form.coverUrl" class="item fmid oh br10" @click="$refs.select.open()">
<uni-icons type="plusempty" color="#D8D8D8" size="100rpx" />
<view class="item pr br10" v-for="(item,index) in videos" :key="index">
<image :src="item.format_imageUrl" mode="aspectFill" />
<view v-else class="item pr br10">
<image :src="form.coverUrl" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="close">
<uni-icons type="clear" size="30rpx" color="red" @click="removeMedia(index,'videoId')" />
<uni-icons type="clear" size="30rpx" color="red" @click="removeMedia('videoId')" />
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@
<!-- 视频菜单 -->
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scroll">
<videoMenu :list="list.data" v-model:ids="form.videoId" mode="checkbox" />
<videoMenu :list="list.data" @videoInfo="videoInfo" mode="checkbox" />

View File

@ -142,12 +142,36 @@
const index = rs.tapIndex
if (index == 0) {
url: '/pages/index/report',
url: util.setUrl('/pages/index/report', {
userId: userId.value,
function handleBlack() {
// let text = detail.isBlock ? '' : ''
// util.alert({
// content: `${text}${detail.userNickname}`,
// }).then(rs => {
// let obj = {
// blockUserId: detail.id,
// status: detail.isBlock ? 1 : 0
// }
// api.mine.blockUser(obj).then(res => {
// if (res.code == 200) {
// util.alert('')
// getUserinfo()
// //
// proxy.$refs.menuRef.close()
// }
// })
// })
function handleCopyAccount() {
@ -181,7 +205,7 @@
uni.$emit('focusUser', {
userId: detail.userId,
userId: detail.id,
result: detail.isAttention,
@ -197,37 +221,69 @@
function handleBlock() {
detail.isBlock = !detail.isBlock
// //
// detail.isBlock = !detail.isBlock
query: {
type: detail.isBlock ? 0 : 1,
userId: detail.userId,
}).then(rs => {
if (rs.code == 200) {
// api.video.videoBlock({
// query: {
// type: detail.isBlock ? 0 : 1,
// userId: detail.id,
// }
// }).then(rs => {
// if (rs.code == 200) {
// return
// }
detail.isBlock = !detail.isBlock
content: rs.msg,
showCancel: false,
// detail.isBlock = !detail.isBlock
// util.alert({
// content: rs.msg,
// showCancel: false,
// })
// })
function handleMessage() {
name: detail.userNickname,
msgId: detail.userId,
msgId: detail.id,
type: 'C2C',
function userComments() {
if (detail.isLock) {
} else {
content: `确认消耗${detail.consumeFruit}个榴莲果解锁评论吗?`,
}).then(rs => {
function unlockComments() {
api.mine.unlockComment({ userId: detail.id }).then(res => {
if (res.code == 200) {
if (res.data.isLock) {
function toCommentsList() {
url: util.setUrl('/pages/mine/myComment', {
userId: detail.id,
@ -284,7 +340,7 @@
<text class="key ml10 c666 f24">关注</text>
<view class="">他的评论</view>
<view class="" @click="userComments">他的评论</view>
<!-- 个人介绍 -->
@ -345,7 +401,7 @@
<view class="txt mt20 c111 f20">分享主页</view>
</view> -->
<view class="option ver jcc bfff br10">
<view class="option ver jcc bfff br10" @click="handleMessage">
<image class="wh50" src="/static/email.png" mode="aspectFit" />
<view class="txt mt20 c111 f20">私信Ta</view>
@ -358,14 +414,14 @@
<view class="option ver jcc bfff br10" @click="handleBlack">
<image class="wh50" src="/static/blackList.png" mode="aspectFit" />
<view class="txt mt20 c111 f20">
<text>{{ detail.isBlock ? '取消拉黑' : '拉黑' }}</text>
<!-- 列表 -->
<view class="list mtb20 plr20 c111 f24 bfff br10">
<view class="item rows ptb25" v-if="0">
<view class="list mtb20 plr20 c111 f24 bfff br10" v-if="0">
<view class="item rows ptb25">
<view class="key">设置备注</view>
<view class="inputBox tac">
<input class="c111 f24" type="text" placeholder="请输入备注" />

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app'
import {
@ -31,12 +32,28 @@
const userinfo = computed(() => {
let result = store.state.userinfo
return result
return store.state.userinfo
onLoad(() => {
onLoad((option) => {
if (option.userId) {
title: '他的评论'
} else {
onReachBottom(() => {
onPullDownRefresh(() => {
@ -81,6 +98,36 @@
function getList(id) {
query: {
userId: id ? id : userinfo.value.id,
pageNum: list.pageNum,
pageSize: list.pageSize,
}).then(rs => {
if (rs.code == 200) {
if (list.pageNum) list.data.length = 0
list.data.push(...rs.data[0].CommentVo.map(item => {
return item
list.total = rs.total
console.log('list', list.data)
content: rs.msg,
showCancel: false,
}).finally(() => {
@ -89,7 +136,7 @@
<view class="list ptb30 plr10" v-for="(item, index) in list.data" :key="index">
<view class="rows">
<view class="message">
<view class="title f32 c333">评论了 视频</view>
<view class="title f32 c333">评论了{{ item.commentType }}</view>
<view class="content t2hd mtb15 c333 f32">{{ item.content }}</view>
<view class="time mt15 f28 c999">{{ item.createTime }}</view>

View File

@ -410,9 +410,7 @@
function voiceSend(message) {
console.log('handlePlusSend', message)

View File

@ -162,7 +162,16 @@
console.log('file uploading:', event)
emit('send', message)
let obj = {
query: {
toUserId: message.to,
formId: message.from,
msgType: message.type,
data: message
emit('send', obj)
} catch (e) {
console.log('message catch', e)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import uQRCode from '@/common/js/uqrcode.js'
import noAuth from '@/components/mine/noAuth.vue'
import {
@ -60,7 +62,11 @@ function init() {
<view class="app">
<view class="page" v-if="!userinfo.isRealName">
<noAuth class="f1" />
<view class="app" v-else>
<!-- -->
<view class="container ver mtb30 mlr30 tac">
<!-- 二维码插件 width height设置宽高 -->

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import TencentCloudChat from '@tencentcloud/chat';
import apex from '@/components/header/apex'
import noLogin from '@/components/login/noLogin.vue'
import noAuth from '@/components/mine/noAuth.vue'
import book from '@/components/news/book'
@ -178,6 +180,10 @@ function getUserInfos(userRecommend) {
<noLogin class="f1" />
<view class="page" v-else-if="!userinfo.isRealName">
<noAuth class="f1" />
<view class="page" v-else>
<template #left>