154 lines
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154 lines
7.1 KiB
const TUIChat = {
'【安全提示】本 APP 仅用于体验腾讯云即时通信 IM 产品功能,不可用于业务洽谈与拓展。请勿轻信汇款、中奖等涉及钱款的信息,勿轻易拨打陌生电话,谨防上当受骗。': '【Security Tips】This APP is only used to experience the functions of Tencent Cloud Instant Messaging products, and cannot be used for business negotiation and expansion. Don\'t trust money-related information such as remittances and lottery wins, don\'t make unfamiliar phone calls easily, and beware of being deceived.',
'按Enter发送,Ctrl+Enter换行': 'Press Enter to send a message and Ctrl+Enter to start a new line',
'表情': '[Face]',
'查看更多': 'View more',
'撤回': 'Recall',
'撤回了一条消息': 'recalled a message',
'打开': 'Open',
'单击下载': 'Click download',
'点此投诉': 'Complain',
'点击处理': 'Click action',
'对方正在输入': 'Typing...',
'发起群视频': 'Make group video call',
'发起群语音': 'Make group voice call',
'发起通话': 'Start Call',
'发送失败': 'send failed',
'复制': 'Copy',
'该消息不存在': 'The message does not exist',
'关闭阅读状态': 'Read status closed',
'管理员开启全员禁言': 'The admin enables Mute All',
'欢迎使用TUICallKit': 'Welcome to TUICallKit',
'回到最新位置': 'Back to the latest location',
'回复': 'Reply',
'回复详情': 'Replies',
'集成TUICallKit': ' Integrate TUICallKit ',
'检测到您暂未集成TUICallKit,无法体验音视频通话功能': 'It is detected that you have not integrated TUI CallKit yet, so you cannot experience the audio and video call. ',
'结束群聊': 'Edit Group Call',
'进行体验': 'to experience.',
'经度': 'Longitude',
'拒绝': 'Reject',
'拒绝通话': 'Decline Call',
'开通腾讯实时音视频服务': 'Integration Tencent Real-Time Communication',
'聊天记录': '[Chat history]',
'描述': 'Description',
'内容包含敏感词汇': 'Content contains sensitive words',
'您': 'You',
'您当前购买使用的套餐包暂未开通此功能': 'The package you purchased does not support this ability.',
'您当前购买使用的套餐包暂未开通群消息已读回执功能': 'The package you purchased does not support the read receipt of group messages.',
'您当前购买使用的套餐包暂未开通在线用户列表功能': 'The package you purchased does not support the online user list.',
'您已被管理员禁言': 'You have been muted by the admin',
'您有': 'You have',
'请点击': 'Please click',
'请输入消息': 'Enter a message',
'取消': 'Cancel',
'取消通话': 'Cancel Call',
'全部已读': 'All read',
'确定': 'Submit',
'确认重发该消息?': 'Confirm to resend the message?',
'人关闭阅读状态': ' read status closed',
'人未读': ' unread',
'人已读': ' read',
'删除': 'Delete',
'涉及敏感内容': 'Sensitive content',
'申请加入': 'Application for join in',
'视频': '[video]',
'视频通话': 'Video Call',
'条回复': 'replies',
'条入群申请': 'Item group application',
'条新消息': ' new messages',
'通话时长': 'Duration',
'同意': 'Agree',
'图片': '[Image]',
'图片消息失败,无效的图片格式': 'Image message failed, invalid image format.',
'纬度': 'Latitude',
'未读': 'Unread',
'位置': '[Location]',
'文件': '[File]',
'文件不存在,请检查文件路径是否正确': 'The file does not exist, please check if the file path is correct.',
'文件大小超出了限制,如果上传文件,最大限制是100MB': 'The file size exceeds the limit; if uploading a file, the maximum limit is 100MB.',
'文件消息失败,禁止发送违规封禁的文件': 'File message failed, sending prohibited and banned files is not allowed.',
'我': 'I',
'无法查看': 'unable to view',
'无法定位到原消息': 'Unable to navigate to the original message',
'无法收听': 'unable to listen',
'正在加载': 'Loading...',
'加载结束': 'Load end',
'无应答': 'No Answer',
'系统消息': 'System message',
'消息': '[message]',
'消息或者资料中文本存在敏感内容,发送失败': 'Sensitive content found in the message or information text, sending failed.',
'消息详情': 'Message Detail',
'消息长度超出限制,消息长度不要超过12K': 'Message length exceeds the limit; please keep the message length under 12K.',
'消息中图片存在敏感内容,发送失败': ' Sensitive content is found in the picture in the message, sending failed.',
'选择提醒的人': 'Select Contact',
'已读': 'Read',
'已过撤回时限': 'Withdrawal deadline has passed',
'已接听': 'Answered',
'已拒绝': 'Rejected',
'已同意': 'Approved',
'引用': 'Reference',
'引用失败': 'quote failed',
'语音': '[Voice]',
'语音通话': 'Voice Call',
'重新编辑': 'Re-edit',
'重新发送': 'Resend',
'转发': 'Forward',
'翻译': 'Translate',
'转文字': 'Convert',
'隐藏': 'Hidden',
'转发给': 'Forward to',
'自定义': '[custom message]',
'自定义消息': 'Custom message',
'腾讯云 IM': 'Tencent Cloud Chat',
'空': 'Empty',
'文本包含本地审核拦截词': 'Text contains local moderation blocking words',
'按住说话': 'Hold to speak',
'抬起发送': 'Release to send',
'抬起取消': 'Release to cancel',
'正在录音': 'Recording',
'继续上滑可取消': 'Continue to swipe to cancel',
'松开手指 取消发送': 'Release to cancel',
'此机型暂不支持复制功能': 'This model does not support the copy',
'请开通翻译功能': 'Please open the translation feature',
'请开通语音转文字功能': 'Please open the convert feature',
'翻译中': 'Translating',
'转换中': 'Converting',
'由IM提供翻译支持': 'support by IM',
'所有人': 'All',
'已达到表情回应上限数量': 'You have reached the max reaction limit',
'等': 'and others',
'人': 'users',
'返回': 'Back',
'关闭': 'Close',
'多选': 'Select',
'合并转发': 'Combine Forward',
'逐条转发': 'One-By-One Forward',
'未选择消息': 'No message selected',
'[草稿]': '[Drafts]',
'[消息]': '[Message]',
'[文本]': '[Text]',
'[自定义消息]': '[Custom Message]',
'[图片]': '[Image]',
'[音频]': '[Voice]',
'[语音]': '[Voice]',
'[视频]': '[Video]',
'[文件]': '[File]',
'[位置]': '[Location]',
'[地理位置]': '[Location]',
'[动画表情]': '[Animated Sticker]',
'[群提示]': '[Group Tip]',
'[群提示消息]': '[Group Notification]',
'[聊天记录]': '[Chat History]',
'引用内容已撤回': 'The quoted message has been withdrawn',
'群聊的聊天记录': 'Chat history for Group Chat',
'和': 'and',
'的聊天记录': 'chat history',
'请升级IMSDK到v2.10.1或更高版本查看此消息': 'Please upgrade IMSDK to v2.10.1 or higher to view this message',
'该群聊已被解散': 'The group has been dismissed',
'您已被管理员移出群聊': 'You have been removed from the group by the admin.',
'您已退出该群聊': 'You have left the group.',
export default TUIChat;