318 lines
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318 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSAngleUnit.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSColorUtils.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSProperties.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSSyntaxParser.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSValueVariant.h>
namespace facebook::react {
namespace detail {
template <CSSDataType... AllowedTypesT>
class CSSValueParser {
using CSSValue = CSSValueVariant<AllowedTypesT...>;
explicit constexpr CSSValueParser(std::string_view css) : parser_{css} {}
* Attempts to parse the characters starting at the current component value
* into one of the given data types.
constexpr CSSValue consumeValue(
CSSComponentValueDelimiter delimeter = CSSComponentValueDelimiter::None) {
return parser_.consumeComponentValue<CSSValue>(
delimeter, [&](const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
// CSS-global keywords
if constexpr (hasType<CSSWideKeyword>()) {
if (auto cssWideKeyword = consumeCSSWideKeyword(token)) {
return *cssWideKeyword;
// Property-specific keywords
if constexpr (hasType<typename CSSValue::Keyword>()) {
if (auto keyword = consumeKeyword(token)) {
return *keyword;
// <ratio>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSRatio>()) {
if (auto ratio = consumeRatio(token)) {
return *ratio;
// <number>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSNumber>()) {
if (auto number = consumeNumber(token)) {
return *number;
// <length>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSLength>()) {
if (auto length = consumeLength(token)) {
return *length;
// <angle>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSAngle>()) {
if (auto angle = consumeAngle(token)) {
return *angle;
// <percentage>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSPercentage>()) {
if (auto percentage = consumePercentage(token)) {
return *percentage;
// <color>
if constexpr (hasType<CSSColor>()) {
if (auto colorValue = consumeColorToken(token)) {
return *colorValue;
return CSSValue{};
// TODO: support function component values and simple blocks
constexpr bool isFinished() const {
return parser_.isFinished();
constexpr void consumeWhitespace() {
template <CSSDataType T>
constexpr static bool hasType() {
return traits::containsType<T, AllowedTypesT...>();
template <typename T>
constexpr static bool hasType() {
return false;
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeKeyword(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Ident) {
if (auto keyword = parseCSSKeyword<typename CSSValue::Keyword>(
token.stringValue())) {
return CSSValue::keyword(*keyword);
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeCSSWideKeyword(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Ident) {
if (auto keyword = parseCSSKeyword<CSSWideKeyword>(token.stringValue())) {
return CSSValue::cssWideKeyword(*keyword);
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeAngle(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Dimension) {
if (auto unit = parseCSSAngleUnit(token.unit())) {
return CSSValue::angle(canonicalize(token.numericValue(), *unit));
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumePercentage(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Percentage) {
return CSSValue::percentage(token.numericValue());
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeNumber(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Number) {
return CSSValue::number(token.numericValue());
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeLength(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
switch (token.type()) {
case CSSTokenType::Dimension:
if (auto unit = parseCSSLengthUnit(token.unit())) {
return CSSValue::length(token.numericValue(), *unit);
case CSSTokenType::Number:
// For zero lengths the unit identifier is optional (i.e. can be
// syntactically represented as the <number> 0). However, if a 0
// could be parsed as either a <number> or a <length> in a
// property (such as line-height), it must parse as a <number>.
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#lengths
if (token.numericValue() == 0) {
return CSSValue::length(token.numericValue(), CSSLengthUnit::Px);
return {};
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeRatio(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
// <ratio> = <number [0,∞]> [ / <number [0,∞]> ]?
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#ratio
if (isValidRatioPart(token.numericValue())) {
float numerator = token.numericValue();
CSSSyntaxParser lookaheadParser{parser_};
auto hasSolidus = lookaheadParser.consumeComponentValue<bool>(
[&](const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
return token.type() == CSSTokenType::Delim &&
token.stringValue() == "/";
if (!hasSolidus) {
return CSSValue::ratio(numerator, 1.0f);
// TODO: support math expression substituion for <number>
auto denominator =
[&](const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Number &&
isValidRatioPart(token.numericValue())) {
return std::optional(token.numericValue());
return std::optional<float>{};
if (denominator.has_value()) {
parser_ = lookaheadParser;
return CSSValue::ratio(numerator, *denominator);
return {};
constexpr bool isValidRatioPart(float value) {
// If either number in the <ratio> is 0 or infinite, it represents a
// degenerate ratio (and, generally, won’t do anything).
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#ratios
return value > 0.0f && value != +std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() &&
value != -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
constexpr std::optional<CSSValue> consumeColorToken(
const CSSPreservedToken& token) {
if (token.type() == CSSTokenType::Ident) {
return parseCSSNamedColor<CSSValue>(token.stringValue());
} else if (token.type() != CSSTokenType::Hash) {
return {};
// https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#hex-color
std::string_view hexColorValue = token.stringValue();
if (isValidHexColor(hexColorValue)) {
if (hexColorValue.length() == 3) {
return CSSValue::color(
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(0, 1), HexColorType::Short),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(1, 1), HexColorType::Short),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(2, 1), HexColorType::Short),
} else if (hexColorValue.length() == 4) {
return CSSValue::color(
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(0, 1), HexColorType::Short),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(1, 1), HexColorType::Short),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(2, 1), HexColorType::Short),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(3, 1), HexColorType::Short));
} else if (hexColorValue.length() == 6) {
return CSSValue::color(
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(0, 2), HexColorType::Long),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(2, 2), HexColorType::Long),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(4, 2), HexColorType::Long),
} else if (hexColorValue.length() == 8) {
return CSSValue::color(
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(0, 2), HexColorType::Long),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(2, 2), HexColorType::Long),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(4, 2), HexColorType::Long),
hexToNumeric(hexColorValue.substr(6, 2), HexColorType::Long));
return {};
CSSSyntaxParser parser_;
template <CSSDataType... AllowedTypesT>
constexpr void parseCSSValue(
std::string_view css,
CSSValueVariant<AllowedTypesT...>& value) {
detail::CSSValueParser<AllowedTypesT...> parser(css);
auto componentValue = parser.consumeValue();
if (parser.isFinished()) {
value = std::move(componentValue);
} else {
value = {};
} // namespace detail
* Parse a single CSS value. Returns a default-constructed
* CSSValueVariant (CSSKeyword::Unset) on syntax error.
template <CSSDataType... AllowedTypesT>
CSSValueVariant<AllowedTypesT...> parseCSSValue(std::string_view css) {
CSSValueVariant<AllowedTypesT...> value;
detail::parseCSSValue<AllowedTypesT...>(css, value);
return value;
* Parses a CSS property into its declared value type.
template <CSSProp Prop>
constexpr CSSDeclaredValue<Prop> parseCSSProp(std::string_view css) {
// For now we only allow parsing props composed of a single component value.
CSSDeclaredValue<Prop> value;
detail::parseCSSValue(css, value);
return value;
} // namespace facebook::react