
730 lines
13 KiB
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2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
* @generated
* Any manual changes to this file will be overwritten. To regenerate run `yarn build`.
// lint directives to let us do some basic validation of generated files
/* eslint no-undef: 'error', no-unused-vars: ['error', {vars: "local"}], no-redeclare: 'error' */
/* global $NonMaybeType, Partial, $ReadOnly, $ReadOnlyArray, $FlowFixMe */
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.NODE_LIST_CHILD = exports.NODE_CHILD = exports.HERMES_AST_VISITOR_KEYS = void 0;
const NODE_CHILD = 'Node';
const NODE_LIST_CHILD = 'NodeList';
AnyTypeAnnotation: {},
ArrayExpression: {
elements: 'NodeList'
ArrayPattern: {
elements: 'NodeList',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
ArrayTypeAnnotation: {
elementType: 'Node'
ArrowFunctionExpression: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
predicate: 'Node'
AsConstExpression: {
expression: 'Node'
AsExpression: {
expression: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
AssignmentExpression: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
AssignmentPattern: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
AwaitExpression: {
argument: 'Node'
BigIntLiteral: {},
BigIntLiteralTypeAnnotation: {},
BigIntTypeAnnotation: {},
BinaryExpression: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
BlockStatement: {
body: 'NodeList'
BooleanLiteral: {},
BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: {},
BooleanTypeAnnotation: {},
BreakStatement: {
label: 'Node'
CallExpression: {
callee: 'Node',
typeArguments: 'Node',
arguments: 'NodeList'
CatchClause: {
param: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
ChainExpression: {
expression: 'Node'
ClassBody: {
body: 'NodeList'
ClassDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
superClass: 'Node',
superTypeParameters: 'Node',
implements: 'NodeList',
decorators: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
ClassExpression: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
superClass: 'Node',
superTypeParameters: 'Node',
implements: 'NodeList',
decorators: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
ClassImplements: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node'
ComponentDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
rendersType: 'Node'
ComponentParameter: {
name: 'Node',
local: 'Node'
ComponentTypeAnnotation: {
params: 'NodeList',
rest: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
rendersType: 'Node'
ComponentTypeParameter: {
name: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
ConditionalExpression: {
test: 'Node',
alternate: 'Node',
consequent: 'Node'
ConditionalTypeAnnotation: {
checkType: 'Node',
extendsType: 'Node',
trueType: 'Node',
falseType: 'Node'
ContinueStatement: {
label: 'Node'
DebuggerStatement: {},
DeclareClass: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
extends: 'NodeList',
implements: 'NodeList',
mixins: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
DeclareComponent: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
rest: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
rendersType: 'Node'
DeclaredPredicate: {
value: 'Node'
DeclareEnum: {
id: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
DeclareExportAllDeclaration: {
source: 'Node'
DeclareExportDeclaration: {
declaration: 'Node',
specifiers: 'NodeList',
source: 'Node'
DeclareFunction: {
id: 'Node',
predicate: 'Node'
DeclareHook: {
id: 'Node'
DeclareInterface: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
extends: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
DeclareModule: {
id: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
DeclareModuleExports: {
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
DeclareNamespace: {
id: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
DeclareOpaqueType: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
impltype: 'Node',
supertype: 'Node'
DeclareTypeAlias: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
DeclareVariable: {
id: 'Node'
DoWhileStatement: {
body: 'Node',
test: 'Node'
EmptyStatement: {},
EmptyTypeAnnotation: {},
EnumBigIntBody: {
members: 'NodeList'
EnumBigIntMember: {
id: 'Node',
init: 'Node'
EnumBooleanBody: {
members: 'NodeList'
EnumBooleanMember: {
id: 'Node',
init: 'Node'
EnumDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
EnumDefaultedMember: {
id: 'Node'
EnumNumberBody: {
members: 'NodeList'
EnumNumberMember: {
id: 'Node',
init: 'Node'
EnumStringBody: {
members: 'NodeList'
EnumStringMember: {
id: 'Node',
init: 'Node'
EnumSymbolBody: {
members: 'NodeList'
ExistsTypeAnnotation: {},
ExportAllDeclaration: {
exported: 'Node',
source: 'Node'
ExportDefaultDeclaration: {
declaration: 'Node'
ExportNamedDeclaration: {
declaration: 'Node',
specifiers: 'NodeList',
source: 'Node'
ExportSpecifier: {
exported: 'Node',
local: 'Node'
ExpressionStatement: {
expression: 'Node'
ForInStatement: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
ForOfStatement: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
ForStatement: {
init: 'Node',
test: 'Node',
update: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
FunctionDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
predicate: 'Node'
FunctionExpression: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
predicate: 'Node'
FunctionTypeAnnotation: {
params: 'NodeList',
this: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
rest: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node'
FunctionTypeParam: {
name: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
GenericTypeAnnotation: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node'
HookDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node'
HookTypeAnnotation: {
params: 'NodeList',
returnType: 'Node',
rest: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node'
Identifier: {
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
IfStatement: {
test: 'Node',
consequent: 'Node',
alternate: 'Node'
ImportAttribute: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
ImportDeclaration: {
specifiers: 'NodeList',
source: 'Node',
assertions: 'NodeList'
ImportDefaultSpecifier: {
local: 'Node'
ImportExpression: {
source: 'Node',
attributes: 'Node'
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: {
local: 'Node'
ImportSpecifier: {
imported: 'Node',
local: 'Node'
IndexedAccessType: {
objectType: 'Node',
indexType: 'Node'
InferredPredicate: {},
InferTypeAnnotation: {
typeParameter: 'Node'
InterfaceDeclaration: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
extends: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
InterfaceExtends: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node'
InterfaceTypeAnnotation: {
extends: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node'
IntersectionTypeAnnotation: {
types: 'NodeList'
JSXAttribute: {
name: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
JSXClosingElement: {
name: 'Node'
JSXClosingFragment: {},
JSXElement: {
openingElement: 'Node',
children: 'NodeList',
closingElement: 'Node'
JSXEmptyExpression: {},
JSXExpressionContainer: {
expression: 'Node'
JSXFragment: {
openingFragment: 'Node',
children: 'NodeList',
closingFragment: 'Node'
JSXIdentifier: {},
JSXMemberExpression: {
object: 'Node',
property: 'Node'
JSXNamespacedName: {
namespace: 'Node',
name: 'Node'
JSXOpeningElement: {
name: 'Node',
attributes: 'NodeList',
typeArguments: 'Node'
JSXOpeningFragment: {},
JSXSpreadAttribute: {
argument: 'Node'
JSXSpreadChild: {
expression: 'Node'
JSXText: {},
KeyofTypeAnnotation: {
argument: 'Node'
LabeledStatement: {
label: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
LogicalExpression: {
left: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
MemberExpression: {
object: 'Node',
property: 'Node'
MetaProperty: {
meta: 'Node',
property: 'Node'
MethodDefinition: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
MixedTypeAnnotation: {},
NewExpression: {
callee: 'Node',
typeArguments: 'Node',
arguments: 'NodeList'
NullableTypeAnnotation: {
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
NullLiteral: {},
NullLiteralTypeAnnotation: {},
NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: {},
NumberTypeAnnotation: {},
NumericLiteral: {},
ObjectExpression: {
properties: 'NodeList'
ObjectPattern: {
properties: 'NodeList',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
ObjectTypeAnnotation: {
properties: 'NodeList',
indexers: 'NodeList',
callProperties: 'NodeList',
internalSlots: 'NodeList'
ObjectTypeCallProperty: {
value: 'Node'
ObjectTypeIndexer: {
id: 'Node',
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node',
variance: 'Node'
ObjectTypeInternalSlot: {
id: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
ObjectTypeMappedTypeProperty: {
keyTparam: 'Node',
propType: 'Node',
sourceType: 'Node',
variance: 'Node'
ObjectTypeProperty: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node',
variance: 'Node'
ObjectTypeSpreadProperty: {
argument: 'Node'
OpaqueType: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
impltype: 'Node',
supertype: 'Node'
OptionalIndexedAccessType: {
objectType: 'Node',
indexType: 'Node'
PrivateIdentifier: {},
Program: {
body: 'NodeList'
Property: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
PropertyDefinition: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node',
variance: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
QualifiedTypeIdentifier: {
qualification: 'Node',
id: 'Node'
QualifiedTypeofIdentifier: {
qualification: 'Node',
id: 'Node'
RegExpLiteral: {},
RestElement: {
argument: 'Node'
ReturnStatement: {
argument: 'Node'
SequenceExpression: {
expressions: 'NodeList'
SpreadElement: {
argument: 'Node'
StringLiteral: {},
StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: {},
StringTypeAnnotation: {},
Super: {},
SwitchCase: {
test: 'Node',
consequent: 'NodeList'
SwitchStatement: {
discriminant: 'Node',
cases: 'NodeList'
SymbolTypeAnnotation: {},
TaggedTemplateExpression: {
tag: 'Node',
quasi: 'Node'
TemplateElement: {},
TemplateLiteral: {
quasis: 'NodeList',
expressions: 'NodeList'
ThisExpression: {},
ThisTypeAnnotation: {},
ThrowStatement: {
argument: 'Node'
TryStatement: {
block: 'Node',
handler: 'Node',
finalizer: 'Node'
TupleTypeAnnotation: {
types: 'NodeList'
TupleTypeLabeledElement: {
label: 'Node',
elementType: 'Node',
variance: 'Node'
TupleTypeSpreadElement: {
label: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
TypeAlias: {
id: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'Node',
right: 'Node'
TypeAnnotation: {
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
TypeCastExpression: {
expression: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
TypeofTypeAnnotation: {
argument: 'Node',
typeArguments: 'Node'
TypeOperator: {
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
TypeParameter: {
bound: 'Node',
variance: 'Node',
default: 'Node'
TypeParameterDeclaration: {
params: 'NodeList'
TypeParameterInstantiation: {
params: 'NodeList'
TypePredicate: {
parameterName: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
UnaryExpression: {
argument: 'Node'
UnionTypeAnnotation: {
types: 'NodeList'
UpdateExpression: {
argument: 'Node'
VariableDeclaration: {
declarations: 'NodeList'
VariableDeclarator: {
init: 'Node',
id: 'Node'
Variance: {},
VoidTypeAnnotation: {},
WhileStatement: {
body: 'Node',
test: 'Node'
WithStatement: {
object: 'Node',
body: 'Node'
YieldExpression: {
argument: 'Node'
File: {
program: 'Node'
ObjectProperty: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node'
ObjectMethod: {
key: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'NodeList'
ClassMethod: {
key: 'Node',
params: 'NodeList',
body: 'Node',
returnType: 'Node',
typeParameters: 'NodeList'
Import: {},
ClassProperty: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node',
variance: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
ClassPrivateProperty: {
key: 'Node',
value: 'Node',
variance: 'Node',
typeAnnotation: 'Node'
PrivateName: {
id: 'Node'
OptionalCallExpression: {
callee: 'Node',
typeArguments: 'Node',
arguments: 'NodeList'
OptionalMemberExpression: {
object: 'Node',
property: 'Node'
ExportNamespaceSpecifier: {
exported: 'Node'