174 lines
5.9 KiB
174 lines
5.9 KiB
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
/* global expect, describe, it */
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function applyTransform(module, options, input, testOptions = {}) {
// Handle ES6 modules using default export for the transform
const transform = module.default ? module.default : module;
// Jest resets the module registry after each test, so we need to always get
// a fresh copy of jscodeshift on every test run.
let jscodeshift = require('./core');
if (testOptions.parser || module.parser) {
jscodeshift = jscodeshift.withParser(testOptions.parser || module.parser);
const output = transform(
j: jscodeshift,
stats: () => {},
options || {}
// Support async transforms
if (output instanceof Promise) {
return output.then(output => (output || '').trim());
return (output || '').trim();
exports.applyTransform = applyTransform;
function runSnapshotTest(module, options, input) {
const output = applyTransform(module, options, input);
if (output instanceof Promise) {
return output.then(output => {
return output;
return output;
exports.runSnapshotTest = runSnapshotTest;
function runInlineTest(module, options, input, expectedOutput, testOptions) {
const output = applyTransform(module, options, input, testOptions);
const expectation = (output => expect(output).toEqual(expectedOutput.trim()))
if (output instanceof Promise) {
return output.then(output => {
return output;
return output;
exports.runInlineTest = runInlineTest;
function extensionForParser(parser) {
switch (parser) {
case 'ts':
case 'tsx':
return parser;
return 'js'
* Utility function to run a jscodeshift script within a unit test. This makes
* several assumptions about the environment:
* - `dirName` contains the name of the directory the test is located in. This
* should normally be passed via __dirname.
* - The test should be located in a subdirectory next to the transform itself.
* Commonly tests are located in a directory called __tests__.
* - `transformName` contains the filename of the transform being tested,
* excluding the .js extension.
* - `testFilePrefix` optionally contains the name of the file with the test
* data. If not specified, it defaults to the same value as `transformName`.
* This will be suffixed with ".input.js" for the input file and ".output.js"
* for the expected output. For example, if set to "foo", we will read the
* "foo.input.js" file, pass this to the transform, and expect its output to
* be equal to the contents of "foo.output.js".
* - Test data should be located in a directory called __testfixtures__
* alongside the transform and __tests__ directory.
function runTest(dirName, transformName, options, testFilePrefix, testOptions = {}) {
if (!testFilePrefix) {
testFilePrefix = transformName;
// Assumes transform is one level up from __tests__ directory
const module = require(path.join(dirName, '..', transformName));
const extension = extensionForParser(testOptions.parser || module.parser)
const fixtureDir = path.join(dirName, '..', '__testfixtures__');
const inputPath = path.join(fixtureDir, testFilePrefix + `.input.${extension}`);
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, 'utf8');
const expectedOutput = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(fixtureDir, testFilePrefix + `.output.${extension}`),
const testResult = runInlineTest(module, options, {
path: inputPath,
}, expectedOutput, testOptions);
return testResult instanceof Promise ? testResult : undefined;
exports.runTest = runTest;
* Handles some boilerplate around defining a simple jest/Jasmine test for a
* jscodeshift transform.
function defineTest(dirName, transformName, options, testFilePrefix, testOptions) {
const testName = testFilePrefix
? `transforms correctly using "${testFilePrefix}" data`
: 'transforms correctly';
describe(transformName, () => {
it(testName, () => {
const testResult = runTest(dirName, transformName, options, testFilePrefix, testOptions);
return testResult instanceof Promise ? testResult : undefined;
exports.defineTest = defineTest;
function defineInlineTest(module, options, input, expectedOutput, testName) {
it(testName || 'transforms correctly', () => {
const testResult = runInlineTest(module, options, {
source: input
}, expectedOutput);
return testResult instanceof Promise ? testResult : undefined;
exports.defineInlineTest = defineInlineTest;
function defineSnapshotTest(module, options, input, testName) {
it(testName || 'transforms correctly', () => {
const testResult = runSnapshotTest(module, options, {
source: input
return testResult instanceof Promise ? testResult : undefined;
exports.defineSnapshotTest = defineSnapshotTest;
* Handles file-loading boilerplates, using same defaults as defineTest
function defineSnapshotTestFromFixture(dirName, module, options, testFilePrefix, testName, testOptions = {}) {
const extension = extensionForParser(testOptions.parser || module.parser)
const fixtureDir = path.join(dirName, '..', '__testfixtures__');
const inputPath = path.join(fixtureDir, testFilePrefix + `.input.${extension}`);
const source = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, 'utf8');
const testResult = defineSnapshotTest(module, options, source, testName)
return testResult instanceof Promise ? testResult : undefined;
exports.defineSnapshotTestFromFixture = defineSnapshotTestFromFixture;