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2024-12-18 15:46:27 +08:00
# Agora-RTE-Extension
## Introduction
Agora RTE Extension provides the ability for extension developer to interact with Agora RTC SDK NG's VideoTrack and
AudioTrack object, making video and audio processing possible.
By receiving `MediaStreamTrack` or `AudioNode` as input, running custom processing procedure such as `WASM` module
or `AudioWorkletNode`, and finally generating processed `MediaStreamTrack` or `AudioNode`, it will construct a media
processing pipeline to allow custom media processing provided by developers.
## How Extension and Processor Interacts With Agora RTC SDK NG
A `Processor` basically connects to other `Processor`s with `pipe` method:
The `pipe` method returns the `Processor` passed as parameter itself, making a function chaining style:
//processor actually is processorB
const processor = processorA.pipe(processorB);
//function chaining
On AgoraRTC SDK NG v4.10.0 and afterwards, the `ILocalVideoTrack` and `ILocalAudioTrack` objects also have `pipe` method
on it:
const localVideoTrack = AgoraRTC.createCameraVideoTrack();
To make the processed media rendering locally and transmitting through WebRTC, `processorDestination` property
on `ILocalVideoTrack` and `ILocalAudioTrack` has to be the final processor through the pipeline:
An `Extension` receives injected utility functionality such as `logger` and `reporter`
during `AgoraRTC.registerExtensions` function call:
AgoraRTC.registerExtensions([videoExtension, audioExtension]);
`Extension` also provides `createProcessor` method for constructing `Processor` instance:
const videoProcessor = videoExtension.createProcessor();
Wrap it up:
const videoExtension = new VideoExtension();
const localVideoTrack = await AgoraRTC.createCameraVideoTrack();
const videoProcessor = videoExtension.createProcessor();
## Extension and Processor APIs for extension developers
### Extension
#### `Extension._createProcessor`
Abstract class `Extension` has one abstract method `_createProcessor` needs to be implemented:
abstract class Extension<T extends BaseProcessor> {
abstract _createProcessor(): T;
When implemented, it should return a `VideoProcessor` or `AudioProcessor` instance.
`AgoraRTC` developer calling `extension.createProcessor()` will return the processor returned by `_createProcessor`.
#### `Extension.setLogLevel`
Abstract class `Extension` has one static method `setLogLevel` :
abstract class Extension<T extends BaseProcessor> {
public static setLogLevel(level: number): void
`AgoraRTC` developer calling `Extension.setLogLevel(level)` will set the output log level of the extension.
#### `Extension.checkCompatibility`
Abstract class `Extension` has one optional abstract public method `checkCompatibility` could be implemented:
abstract class Extension<T extends BaseProcessor> {
public abstract checkCompatibility?(): boolean;
When implemented, it should return a `boolean` value indicating whether extension could be run inside current browser environment.
### VideoProcessor
#### `VideoProcessor.name`
Abstract property `name` on `VideoProcessor` has to be implemented in order to name processor:
abstract name: string;
#### `VideoProcessor.onPiped`
Abstract optional method `onPiped` could be implemented in order to be notified when processor connected to a pipeline
with `ILocalVideoTrack` as it's source:
abstract onPiped?(context: IProcessorContext): void;
It will only be called when an `ILocalVideoTrack` object from `AgoraRTC` was connected to the pipeline, or when the
processor was connected to a pipeline with `ILocalVideoTrack` as its source.
> Pipeline without an `ILocalVideoTrack` as it's source, `onPiped` method will not be called for processors belonging to this pipeline until an `ILocalVideoTrack` connected to it.
videoTrack.pipe(processor);//will be called
processorA.pipe(processorB);//will NOT be called
videoTrack.pipe(processorA);//will be called for both processorA and processorB
#### `VideoProcessor.onUnpiped`
Abstract optional method `onUnpiped` could be implemented in order to be notified when processor disconnected to a
abstract onUnPiped?(): void;
#### `VideoProcessor.onTrack`
Abstract optional method `onTrack` could be implemented in order to be notified when the previous processor
or `ILocalVideoTrack` feeds output `MediaStreamTrack` to the current processor:
abstract onTrack?(track: MediaStreamTrack, context: IProcessorContext): void;
#### `VideoProcessor.onEnableChange`
Abstract optional method `onEnableChange` could be implemented in order to be notified when processor's `_enabled`
property has changed:
abstract onEnableChange?(enabled: boolean): void | Promise<void>;
`AgoraRTC` developer calling `processor.enable()` and `processor.disable()` may change `_enabled` property and consequently calling `onEnableChange`, but enabling an already enabled processor or disabling an already disabled processor will not.
#### `VideoProcessor._enabled`
property `_enabled` describes enabled status of the current processor.
protected _enabled :boolean = true;
It defaults to `true` , but could be change inside processor constructor:
class CustomProcessor extends VideoProcessor {
public constructor(){
this._enabled = false;
Other than that, it should not be modified directly.
#### `VideoProcessor.enabled`
Getter `enabled` describes enabled status of the current processor.
public get enabled(): boolean;
#### `VideoProcessor.inputTrack`
Optional property `inputTrack` will be setted when the previous processor or `ILocalVideoTrack` feeds output track on the current processor:
protected inputTrack?:MediaStreamTrack;
#### `VideoProcessor.outputTrack`
Optional property `outputTrack` will be setted when the current processor calling `output()` to generate output `MediaStreamTrack`:
protected outputTrack?:MediaStreamTrack;
#### `VideoProcessor.ID`
Readonly property `ID` is a random ID for the current processor instance:
public readonly ID:string;
#### `VideoProcessor.kind`
Getter `kind` describes current processor's kind, which is either `audio` or `video`:
public get Kind():'video' | 'audio';
#### `VideoProcessor.context`
Optional property `context` is the current processor's `IProcessorContext` :
protected context?: IProcessorContext;
#### `VideoProcessor.output`
method `output` should be called when processor was about to generate processed `MediaStreamTrack`:
output(track: MediaStreamTrack, context: IProcessorContext): void;
### AudioProcessor
`AudioProcessor` shares almost all the property/methods with `VideoProcessor`, with 1 exception that `AudioProcessor`'s processorContext is `IAudioProcessorContext`; and with several additions:
#### `AudioProcessor.onNode`
Abstract optional method `onNode` could be implemented in order to be notified when the previous processor
or `ILocalAudioTrack` feeds output `AudioNode` to the current audio processor:
abstract onNode?(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext): void;
#### `AudioProcessor.output`
method `output` should be called when audio processor was about to generate processed `MediaStreamTrack` or `AudioNode`:
output(track: MediaStreamTrack | AudioNode, context: IProcessorContext): void;
#### `AudioProcessor.inputNode`
Optional property `inputNode` will be setted when the previous processor or `ILocalAudioTrack` feeds output audio node on the current processor:
protected inputNode?:AudioNode;
Optional property `outputNode` will be setted when the current processor calling `output()` to generate output `AudioNode`:
protected outputNode?:AudioNode;
### ProcessorContext
`ProcessorContext` provides the ability to interact with the process pipeline's source which is `ILocalVideoTrack` or `ILocalAudioTrack`, and possiblly affecting media capture.
`ProcessorContext` will be assgined to the processor once the processor was connected with a pipeline has `ILocalVideoTrack` or `ILocalAudioTrack` as it's source.
#### `ProcessorContext.requestApplyConstraints`
Method `requestApplyConstraints` provides the ability to change the `MediaTrackConstraints` used for getting pipeline source's `MediaStreamTrack` :
public requestApplyConstraints(constraints: MediaTrackConstraints, processor: IVideoProcessor): Promise<void>;
Constraints supplied in `requestApplyConstraints` will be merged with the original constraints used for creating `ICameraVideoTrack`. If several processors inside the same pipline all request to apply additional constraints, the pipe order will be considered to make the final constraints.
#### `ProcessorContext.requestRevertConstraints`
Method`requestRevertConstraints` provides the ability to revert previous constraints request using `requestApplyConstraints`:
public requestRevertConstraints(processor: IVideoProcessor):void;
### AudioProcessorContext
`AudioProceesorContext` inherits all the methods provided by `ProcessorContext`, with one addition `getAudioContext`.
#### `getAudioContext`
Method `getAudioContext` provides the ability to get `AudioContext` object of the current pipeline:
public getAudioContext(): AudioContext;
### Ticker
`Ticker` is a utitly class that helps with periodic tasks.
`Ticker` provides simple interface for choosing periodic task implementation, add/remove task and start/stop task.
#### `new Ticker`
`Ticker` constructor requires ticker type and tick interval as parameter:
class Ticker{
public constructor(type:"Timer" | "RAF" | "Oscillator", interval: number):Ticker;
`Ticker` has three implementation to choose from:
- `Timer`: uses `setTimeout` as the internal timer
- `RAF`: uses `requestAnimationFrame` as the internal timer. Most users should choose this type of `Ticker` as it provides best rendering performance
- `Osciilator`: uses `WebAudio`'s `OscillatorNode` as the internal timer. Can still keep running even the browser tab is not focused.
`interval` sets the time between the next callback. It is a best effort timing not an exactly timing.
#### `Ticker.add`
`Ticker.add` adds a task to the ticker:
public add(fn: Function): void;
#### `Ticker.remove`
`Ticker.remove` removes the task added to the ticker previously:
public remove():void;
#### `Ticker.start`
`Ticker.start` starts the already add task with settled ticker type and interval:
public start():void;
`Ticker.stop` stops the previously add task:
public stop():void;
### Logger
`Logger` is a global utility singleton that helps the logging. It provides four log levels to log to the console.
When the extension was registered with `AgoraRTC.registerExtension`, and the `AgoraRTC` developer choose to upload log, extension logs loged with `Logger` will also been uploaded.
#### `Logger.info`, `Logger.debug`, `Logger.warning`, `Logger.error`
Theses methods log with different level:
public info(...args:any[]):void;
public debug(...args:any[]):void;
public warning(...args:any[]):void;
public error(...args:any[]):void;
#### `Logger.setLogLevel`
`Logger.setLogLevel` set the output log level of the extension.
public setLogLevel(level: number): void;
### Reporter
`Reporter` is a global utility singleton that helps with event reporting to Agora analysis platform:
#### `Reporter.reportApiInvoke`
`Repoter.reportApiInvoke` can report public API calling event to Agora analysis platform:
interface ReportApiInvokeParams {
name: string;
options: any;
reportResult?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
interface AgoraApiExecutor<T> {
onSuccess: (result: T) => void;
onError: (err: Error) => void;
public reportApiInvoke<T>(params: ReportApiInvokeParams): AgoraApiExecutor<T>;
It accepts `ReportAPIInvokeParams` as parameter:
- `ReportAPIInvokeParams.name`: the name of the public API
- `options`: the arguments, or any other options related to this API invoke
- `reportResult`: whether to report API invoke result
- `timeout`: specifies how long it is `Reporter` thinks the API calling is timeout.
It reports two callback methods, `onSuccess` and `onEror`, which can be called when the API calling success or failed accordingly.
## Extending Extension
Extending an `Extension` is fairly straightforward as we only need to implement `_createProcessor` abstract method:
import {Extension} from 'agora-rte-extension'
class YourExtension extends Extension<YourProcessor> {
protected _createProcessor(): YourProcessor {
return new YourProcessor();
## Extending Processor
There are several abstract methods could be implemented and they will be called at the different timing of the processing pipeline.
### `onTrack` and `onNode`
`onTrack` and `onNode` method will be called when the previous processor/LocalTrack generated output. They are the main entry point for us to process media:
class CustomVideoProcessor extends VideoProcesor {
protected onTrack(track: MediaStreamTrack, context: IProcessorContext){}
class CustomAudioProcessor extends AudioProcessor {
protected onNode(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext){}
### Video Processing
Typically, doing video processing requests extracting each video frame as `ImageData` or `ArrayBuffer`.
As for now `InsertableStream` have not been globally supported by browser vendors yet, we use `canvas` API here to extract video frame data:
class CustomVideoProcessor extends VideoProcessor {
private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
private videoElement:HTMLVideoElement;
//initialize canvas element
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.width = 640; // canvas's width and height will be your output video streams video dimension
this.canvas.height = 480;
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d')!;
//initialize video element
this.videoElement = document.createElement('video');
this.videoElement.muted = true;
onTrack(track:MediaStreamTrack, context: IProcessorContext){
//loding MediaStreamTrack into HTMLVideoElement
this.videoElement.srcObject = new MediaStream([track]);
//extract ImageData
this.ctx.drawImage(this.videoElement, 0, 0);
const imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
As we can see here video frame data was only been eatracted once inside the `onTrack` method, but we need to run it inside a constant loop to ouput constant frame rate. Luckily, we can leverage `requestAnimationFrame`to do this for us:
class CustomVideoProcessor extends VideoProcessor {
onTrack(track:MediaStreamTrack, context: IProcessorContext){
this.videoElement.srcObject = new MediaStream([track]);
this.ctx.drawImage(this.videoElement, 0, 0);
const imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
//your custom video processing logic
### Generating Video Processing Output
When we've done video processing, `Processor`'s `output` method should be used to generate video putput. `output` methods requires `MediaStreamTrack` and `IProcessorContext` as it's parameter, so we will need to assemble video buffer into a `MediaStreamTrack`.
Usually `canvas`'s `captureStream` helps us with it:
class CustomVideoProcessor extends VideoProcessor {
// making an MediaStream from canvas and get MediaStreamTrack
const msStream = this.canvas.captureStream(30);
const outputTrack = msStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
//output processed track
this.output(outputTrack, this.context);
### Audio Processing
Audio processing differs with video processing as that audio processing typically requires `WebAudio`'s capability to do custom audio processing.
We can implement `onNode` method to receive notification when the previous audio processor/`ILocalAudioTrack` generated output AudioNode:
class CustomAudioProcessor extends AudioProcessor {
onNode(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext) {}
We can call `IAudioProcessorContext.getAudioContext` to get `AudioContext` to create our own audioNode:
class CustomAudioProcessor extends AudioProcessor {
onNode(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext) {
//accuire AudioContext
const audioContext = context.getAudioContext();
//create custom gaiNode
const gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
Also don't forget to connect the input audio node to our custom audio node:
class CustomAudioProcessor extends AudioProcessor {
onNode(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext) {
const audioContext = context.getAudioContext();
const gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
### Generating Audio Processing Output
When we've done audio processing, Processor's `output` method should be used to generate audio output. `output` methods requires `MediaStreamTrack`/`AudioNode` and `IAudioProcessorContext` as its parameter:
class CustomAudioProcessor extends AudioProcessor {
onNode(node: AudioNode, context: IAudioProcessorContext) {
const audioContext = context.getAudioContext();
const gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
this.output(gainNode, context);
## Testing
## Best Practices
### Audio Graph Connecting
### Handling Enable and Disable
### Error Handling