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2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import <React/RCTSurfaceProtocol.h>
#import <react/renderer/scheduler/SurfaceHandler.h>
@class RCTBridge;
@class RCTSurfaceView;
@class RCTSurfacePresenter;
* (This is Fabric-compatible RCTSurface implementation.)
* RCTSurface instance represents React Native-powered piece of a user interface
* which can be a full-screen app, separate modal view controller,
* or even small widget.
* It is called "Surface".
* The RCTSurface instance is completely thread-safe by design;
* it can be created on any thread, and any its method can be called from
* any thread (if the opposite is not mentioned explicitly).
* The primary goals of the RCTSurface are:
* * ability to measure and layout the surface in a thread-safe
* and synchronous manner;
* * ability to create a UIView instance on demand (later);
* * ability to communicate the current stage of the surface granularly.
@interface RCTFabricSurface : NSObject <RCTSurfaceProtocol>
- (instancetype)initWithSurfacePresenter:(RCTSurfacePresenter *)surfacePresenter
moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName
initialProperties:(NSDictionary *)initialProperties;
#pragma mark - Surface presenter
* Reset's the Surface to it's initial stage.
* It uses the passed in surface presenter, and whatever else was passed in init.
- (void)resetWithSurfacePresenter:(RCTSurfacePresenter *)surfacePresenter;
#pragma mark - Dealing with UIView representation, the Main thread only access
* Creates (if needed) and returns `UIView` instance which represents the Surface.
* The Surface will cache and *retain* this object.
* Returning the UIView instance does not mean that the Surface is ready
* to execute and layout. It can be just a handler which Surface will use later
* to mount the actual views.
* RCTSurface does not control (or influence in any way) the size or origin
* of this view. Some superview (or another owner) must use other methods
* of this class to setup proper layout and interop interactions with UIKit
* or another UI framework.
* This method must be called only from the main queue.
- (RCTSurfaceView *)view;
#pragma mark - Layout: Setting the size constrains
* Previously set `minimumSize` layout constraint.
* Defaults to `{0, 0}`.
@property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize minimumSize;
* Previously set `maximumSize` layout constraint.
* Defaults to `{CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX}`.
@property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize maximumSize;
* Previously set `viewportOffset` layout constraint.
* Defaults to `{0, 0}`.
@property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGPoint viewportOffset;
* Simple shortcut to `-[RCTSurface setMinimumSize:size maximumSize:size]`.
- (void)setSize:(CGSize)size;
#pragma mark - Layout: Measuring
* Measures the Surface with given constraints.
* This method does not cause any side effects on the surface object.
- (CGSize)sizeThatFitsMinimumSize:(CGSize)minimumSize maximumSize:(CGSize)maximumSize;
* Return the current size of the root view based on (but not clamp by) current
* size constraints.
@property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize intrinsicSize;
#pragma mark - Synchronous waiting
* Synchronously blocks the current thread up to given `timeout` until
* the Surface is rendered.
- (BOOL)synchronouslyWaitFor:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
@interface RCTFabricSurface (Internal)
- (const facebook::react::SurfaceHandler &)surfaceHandler;
@interface RCTFabricSurface (Deprecated)
* Deprecated. Use `initWithSurfacePresenter:moduleName:initialProperties` instead.
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
moduleName:(NSString *)moduleName
initialProperties:(NSDictionary *)initialProperties;