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2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <concepts>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSTokenizer.h>
namespace facebook::react {
* Describes context for a CSS function component value.
struct CSSFunctionBlock {
std::string_view name{};
* Describes a preserved token component value.
using CSSPreservedToken = CSSToken;
* Describes context for a CSS function component value.
struct CSSSimpleBlock {
CSSTokenType openBracketType{};
* A CSSFunctionVisitor is called to start parsing a function component value.
* At this point, the Parser is positioned at the start of the function
* component value list. It is expected that the visitor finishes before the end
* of the function block.
template <typename T, typename ReturnT>
concept CSSFunctionVisitor = requires(T visitor, CSSFunctionBlock func) {
{ visitor(func) } -> std::convertible_to<ReturnT>;
* A CSSPreservedTokenVisitor is called after parsing a preserved token
* component value.
template <typename T, typename ReturnT>
concept CSSPreservedTokenVisitor =
requires(T visitor, CSSPreservedToken token) {
{ visitor(token) } -> std::convertible_to<ReturnT>;
* A CSSSimpleBlockVisitor is called after parsing a simple block component
* value. It is expected that the visitor finishes before the end
* of the block.
template <typename T, typename ReturnT>
concept CSSSimpleBlockVisitor = requires(T visitor, CSSSimpleBlock block) {
{ visitor(block) } -> std::convertible_to<ReturnT>;
* Any visitor for a component value.
template <typename T, typename ReturnT>
concept CSSComponentValueVisitor = CSSFunctionVisitor<T, ReturnT> ||
CSSPreservedTokenVisitor<T, ReturnT> || CSSSimpleBlockVisitor<T, ReturnT>;
* Represents a variadic set of CSSComponentValueVisitor with no more than one
* of a specific type of visitor.
template <typename ReturnT, typename... VisitorsT>
concept CSSUniqueComponentValueVisitors =
(CSSComponentValueVisitor<VisitorsT, ReturnT> && ...) &&
((CSSFunctionVisitor<VisitorsT, ReturnT> ? 1 : 0) + ... + 0) <= 1 &&
((CSSPreservedTokenVisitor<VisitorsT, ReturnT> ? 1 : 0) + ... + 0) <= 1 &&
((CSSSimpleBlockVisitor<VisitorsT, ReturnT> ? 1 : 0) + ... + 0) <= 1;
* Describes the delimeter to expect before the next component value.
enum class CSSComponentValueDelimiter {
* CSSSyntaxParser allows parsing streams of CSS text into "component
* values".
* https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#component-value
class CSSSyntaxParser {
template <typename ReturnT, CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT>... VisitorsT>
friend struct CSSComponentValueVisitorDispatcher;
* Construct the parser over the given string_view, which must stay alive for
* the duration of the CSSSyntaxParser.
explicit constexpr CSSSyntaxParser(std::string_view css)
: tokenizer_{css}, currentToken_(tokenizer_.next()) {}
constexpr CSSSyntaxParser(const CSSSyntaxParser&) = default;
constexpr CSSSyntaxParser(CSSSyntaxParser&&) = default;
constexpr CSSSyntaxParser& operator=(const CSSSyntaxParser&) = default;
constexpr CSSSyntaxParser& operator=(CSSSyntaxParser&&) = default;
* Directly consume the next component value. The component value is provided
* to a passed in "visitor", typically a lambda which accepts the component
* value in a new scope. The visitor may read this component parameter into a
* higher-level data structure, and continue parsing within its scope using
* the same underlying CSSSyntaxParser.
* https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-component-value
* @param <ReturnT> caller-specified return type of visitors. This type will
* be set to its default constructed state if consuming a component value with
* no matching visitors, or syntax error
* @param visitors A unique list of CSSComponentValueVisitor to be called on a
* match
* @param delimiter The expected delimeter to occur before the next component
* value
* @returns the visitor returned value, or a default constructed value if no
* visitor was matched, or a syntax error occurred.
template <typename ReturnT>
constexpr ReturnT consumeComponentValue(
CSSComponentValueDelimiter delimiter,
const CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT> auto&... visitors)
requires(CSSUniqueComponentValueVisitors<ReturnT, decltype(visitors)...>);
template <typename ReturnT>
constexpr ReturnT consumeComponentValue(
const CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT> auto&... visitors)
requires(CSSUniqueComponentValueVisitors<ReturnT, decltype(visitors)...>);
* The parser is considered finished when there are no more remaining tokens
* to be processed
constexpr bool isFinished() const {
return currentToken_.type() == CSSTokenType::EndOfFile;
* Consume any whitespace tokens.
constexpr void consumeWhitespace() {
if (currentToken_.type() == CSSTokenType::WhiteSpace) {
currentToken_ = tokenizer_.next();
constexpr const CSSToken& peek() const {
return currentToken_;
constexpr CSSToken consumeToken() {
auto prevToken = currentToken_;
currentToken_ = tokenizer_.next();
return prevToken;
CSSTokenizer tokenizer_;
CSSToken currentToken_;
template <typename ReturnT, CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT>... VisitorsT>
struct CSSComponentValueVisitorDispatcher {
CSSSyntaxParser& parser;
constexpr ReturnT consumeComponentValue(
CSSComponentValueDelimiter delimiter,
const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
switch (delimiter) {
case CSSComponentValueDelimiter::Comma:
if (parser.peek().type() != CSSTokenType::Comma) {
return ReturnT{};
case CSSComponentValueDelimiter::Whitespace:
case CSSComponentValueDelimiter::None:
switch (parser.peek().type()) {
case CSSTokenType::Function:
if (auto ret = visitFunction(visitors...)) {
return *ret;
case CSSTokenType::OpenParen:
if (auto ret =
visitSimpleBlock(CSSTokenType::CloseParen, visitors...)) {
return *ret;
case CSSTokenType::OpenSquare:
if (auto ret =
visitSimpleBlock(CSSTokenType::CloseSquare, visitors...)) {
return *ret;
case CSSTokenType::OpenCurly:
if (auto ret =
visitSimpleBlock(CSSTokenType::CloseCurly, visitors...)) {
return *ret;
if (auto ret = visitPreservedToken(visitors...)) {
return *ret;
return ReturnT{};
constexpr ReturnT consumeNextCommaDelimitedValue(
const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
if (parser.consumeToken().type() != CSSTokenType::Comma) {
return {};
return consumeComponentValue(std::forward<VisitorsT>(visitors)...);
constexpr ReturnT consumeNextWhitespaceDelimitedValue(
const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
return consumeComponentValue(std::forward<VisitorsT>(visitors)...);
constexpr std::optional<ReturnT> visitFunction(const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
for (auto visitor : {visitors...}) {
if constexpr (CSSFunctionVisitor<decltype(visitor), ReturnT>) {
auto functionValue =
visitor({.name = parser.consumeToken().stringValue()});
if (parser.peek().type() == CSSTokenType::CloseParen) {
return functionValue;
return {};
return {};
constexpr std::optional<ReturnT> visitSimpleBlock(
CSSTokenType endToken,
const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
for (auto visitor : {visitors...}) {
if constexpr (CSSSimpleBlockVisitor<decltype(visitor), ReturnT>) {
auto blockValue =
visitor({.openBracketType = parser.consumeToken().type()});
if (parser.peek().type() == endToken) {
return blockValue;
return {};
return {};
constexpr std::optional<ReturnT> visitPreservedToken(
const VisitorsT&... visitors) {
for (auto visitor : {visitors...}) {
if constexpr (CSSPreservedTokenVisitor<decltype(visitor), ReturnT>) {
return visitor(parser.consumeToken());
return {};
template <typename ReturnT>
constexpr ReturnT CSSSyntaxParser::consumeComponentValue(
CSSComponentValueDelimiter delimiter,
const CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT> auto&... visitors)
requires(CSSUniqueComponentValueVisitors<ReturnT, decltype(visitors)...>)
return CSSComponentValueVisitorDispatcher<ReturnT, decltype(visitors)...>{
.consumeComponentValue(delimiter, visitors...);
template <typename ReturnT>
constexpr ReturnT CSSSyntaxParser::consumeComponentValue(
const CSSComponentValueVisitor<ReturnT> auto&... visitors)
requires(CSSUniqueComponentValueVisitors<ReturnT, decltype(visitors)...>)
return consumeComponentValue<ReturnT>(
CSSComponentValueDelimiter::None, visitors...);
} // namespace facebook::react