
187 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <ReactCommon/RuntimeExecutor.h>
#include <react/renderer/animations/LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper.h>
#include <react/renderer/animations/primitives.h>
#include <react/renderer/core/RawValue.h>
#include <react/renderer/debug/flags.h>
#include <react/renderer/mounting/MountingOverrideDelegate.h>
#include <react/renderer/mounting/MountingTransaction.h>
#include <react/renderer/mounting/ShadowViewMutation.h>
#include <react/renderer/uimanager/LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate.h>
#include <react/renderer/uimanager/UIManagerAnimationDelegate.h>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace facebook::react {
void PrintMutationInstruction(
std::string message,
const ShadowViewMutation& mutation);
void PrintMutationInstructionRelative(
std::string message,
const ShadowViewMutation& mutation,
const ShadowViewMutation& relativeMutation);
#define PrintMutationInstruction(a, b)
#define PrintMutationInstructionRelative(a, b, c)
class LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager : public UIManagerAnimationDelegate,
public MountingOverrideDelegate {
RuntimeExecutor runtimeExecutor,
ContextContainer::Shared& contextContainer,
LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate* delegate);
#pragma mark - UIManagerAnimationDelegate methods
void uiManagerDidConfigureNextLayoutAnimation(
jsi::Runtime& runtime,
const RawValue& config,
const jsi::Value& successCallbackValue,
const jsi::Value& failureCallbackValue) const override;
void setComponentDescriptorRegistry(const SharedComponentDescriptorRegistry&
componentDescriptorRegistry) override;
// TODO: add SurfaceId to this API as well
bool shouldAnimateFrame() const override;
void stopSurface(SurfaceId surfaceId) override;
#pragma mark - MountingOverrideDelegate methods
bool shouldOverridePullTransaction() const override;
// This is used to "hijack" the diffing process to figure out which mutations
// should be animated. The mutations returned by this function will be
// executed immediately.
std::optional<MountingTransaction> pullTransaction(
SurfaceId surfaceId,
MountingTransaction::Number number,
const TransactionTelemetry& telemetry,
ShadowViewMutationList mutations) const override;
// Exposed for testing.
void uiManagerDidConfigureNextLayoutAnimation(
LayoutAnimation layoutAnimation) const;
// LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate - this is for the platform to get
// signal when animations start and complete. Setting and resetting this
// delegate is protected by a mutex; ALL method calls into this delegate are
// also protected by the mutex! The only way to set this without a mutex is
// via a constructor.
void setLayoutAnimationStatusDelegate(
LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate* delegate) const;
void setClockNow(std::function<uint64_t()> now);
SharedComponentDescriptorRegistry componentDescriptorRegistry_;
mutable std::optional<LayoutAnimation> currentAnimation_{};
mutable std::mutex currentAnimationMutex_;
* All mutations of inflightAnimations_ are thread-safe as long as
* we keep the contract of: only mutate it within the context of
* `pullTransaction`. If that contract is held, this is implicitly protected
* by the MountingCoordinator's mutex.
mutable std::vector<LayoutAnimation> inflightAnimations_{};
bool hasComponentDescriptorForShadowView(const ShadowView& shadowView) const;
const ComponentDescriptor& getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(
const ShadowView& shadowView) const;
* Given a `progress` between 0 and 1, a mutation and LayoutAnimation config,
* return a ShadowView with mutated props and/or LayoutMetrics.
* @param progress the current progress for the animation
* @param startingView the initial configuration of the ShadowView
* @param finalView the final configuration of the ShadowView
* @return the current ShadowView
ShadowView createInterpolatedShadowView(
Float progress,
const ShadowView& startingView,
const ShadowView& finalView) const;
void callCallback(const LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper& callback) const;
virtual void animationMutationsForFrame(
SurfaceId surfaceId,
ShadowViewMutation::List& mutationsList,
uint64_t now) const = 0;
* Queue (and potentially synthesize) final mutations for a finished keyframe.
* Keyframe animation may have timed-out, or be canceled due to a conflict.
void queueFinalMutationsForCompletedKeyFrame(
const AnimationKeyFrame& keyframe,
ShadowViewMutation::List& mutationsList,
bool interrupted,
const std::string& logPrefix) const;
RuntimeExecutor runtimeExecutor_;
ContextContainer::Shared contextContainer_;
mutable std::mutex layoutAnimationStatusDelegateMutex_;
mutable LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate* layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_{};
mutable std::mutex surfaceIdsToStopMutex_;
mutable std::unordered_set<SurfaceId> surfaceIdsToStop_{};
// Function that returns current time in milliseconds
std::function<uint64_t()> now_;
void adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations(
SurfaceId surfaceId,
ShadowViewMutation& mutation,
bool skipLastAnimation = false,
bool lastAnimationOnly = false) const;
void adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(
SurfaceId surfaceId,
const ShadowViewMutation& mutation,
bool skipLastAnimation = false) const;
void getAndEraseConflictingAnimations(
SurfaceId surfaceId,
const ShadowViewMutationList& mutations,
std::vector<AnimationKeyFrame>& conflictingAnimations) const;
* Removes animations from `inflightAnimations_` for stopped surfaces.
void deleteAnimationsForStoppedSurfaces() const;
void simulateImagePropsMemoryAccess(
const ShadowViewMutationList& mutations) const;
* Interpolates the props values.
Props::Shared interpolateProps(
const ComponentDescriptor& componentDescriptor,
const PropsParserContext& context,
Float animationProgress,
const Props::Shared& props,
const Props::Shared& newProps,
const Size& size) const;
} // namespace facebook::react