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2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "ModuleRegistry.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <reactperflogger/BridgeNativeModulePerfLogger.h>
#include "NativeModule.h"
#include "SystraceSection.h"
namespace facebook::react {
namespace {
std::string normalizeName(std::string name) {
// TODO mhorowitz #10487027: This is super ugly. We should just
// change iOS to emit normalized names, drop the "RK..." from
// names hardcoded in Android, and then delete this and the
// similar hacks in js.
if (name.compare(0, 3, "RCT") == 0) {
return name.substr(3);
} else if (name.compare(0, 2, "RK") == 0) {
return name.substr(2);
return name;
} // namespace
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NativeModule>> modules,
ModuleNotFoundCallback callback)
: modules_{std::move(modules)}, moduleNotFoundCallback_{callback} {}
void ModuleRegistry::updateModuleNamesFromIndex(size_t index) {
for (; index < modules_.size(); index++) {
std::string name = normalizeName(modules_[index]->getName());
modulesByName_[name] = index;
void ModuleRegistry::registerModules(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NativeModule>> modules) {
SystraceSection s_("ModuleRegistry::registerModules");
// Noop if there are no NativeModules to add
if (modules.empty()) {
if (modules_.empty() && unknownModules_.empty()) {
modules_ = std::move(modules);
} else {
size_t modulesSize = modules_.size();
size_t addModulesSize = modules.size();
bool addToNames = !modulesByName_.empty();
modules_.reserve(modulesSize + addModulesSize);
std::move(modules.begin(), modules.end(), std::back_inserter(modules_));
if (!unknownModules_.empty()) {
for (size_t index = modulesSize; index < modulesSize + addModulesSize;
index++) {
std::string name = normalizeName(modules_[index]->getName());
auto it = unknownModules_.find(name);
if (it != unknownModules_.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(folly::to<std::string>(
"module ",
" was required without being registered and is now being registered."));
} else if (addToNames) {
modulesByName_[name] = index;
} else if (addToNames) {
std::vector<std::string> ModuleRegistry::moduleNames() {
SystraceSection s_("ModuleRegistry::moduleNames");
std::vector<std::string> names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < modules_.size(); i++) {
std::string name = normalizeName(modules_[i]->getName());
modulesByName_[name] = i;
return names;
std::optional<ModuleConfig> ModuleRegistry::getConfig(const std::string& name) {
SystraceSection s("ModuleRegistry::getConfig", "module", name);
// Initialize modulesByName_
if (modulesByName_.empty() && !modules_.empty()) {
auto it = modulesByName_.find(name);
if (it == modulesByName_.end()) {
if (unknownModules_.find(name) != unknownModules_.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
if (!moduleNotFoundCallback_) {
return std::nullopt;
bool wasModuleLazilyLoaded = moduleNotFoundCallback_(name);
it = modulesByName_.find(name);
bool wasModuleRegisteredWithRegistry =
wasModuleLazilyLoaded && it != modulesByName_.end();
if (!wasModuleRegisteredWithRegistry) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
// If we've gotten this far, then we've signaled moduleJSRequireBeginningEnd
size_t index = it->second;
CHECK(index < modules_.size());
NativeModule* module = modules_[index].get();
// string name, object constants, array methodNames (methodId is index),
// [array promiseMethodIds], [array syncMethodIds]
folly::dynamic config = folly::dynamic::array(name);
SystraceSection s_("ModuleRegistry::getConstants", "module", name);
* In the case that there are constants, we'll initialize the NativeModule,
* and signal moduleJSRequireEndingStart. Otherwise, we'll simply signal the
* event. The Module will be initialized when we invoke one of its
* NativeModule methods.
SystraceSection s_("ModuleRegistry::getMethods", "module", name);
std::vector<MethodDescriptor> methods = module->getMethods();
folly::dynamic methodNames = folly::dynamic::array;
folly::dynamic promiseMethodIds = folly::dynamic::array;
folly::dynamic syncMethodIds = folly::dynamic::array;
for (auto& descriptor : methods) {
// TODO: #10487027 compare tags instead of doing string comparison?
if (descriptor.type == "promise") {
promiseMethodIds.push_back(methodNames.size() - 1);
} else if (descriptor.type == "sync") {
syncMethodIds.push_back(methodNames.size() - 1);
if (!methodNames.empty()) {
if (!promiseMethodIds.empty() || !syncMethodIds.empty()) {
if (!syncMethodIds.empty()) {
if (config.size() == 2 && config[1].empty()) {
// no constants or methods
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return ModuleConfig{index, std::move(config)};
std::string ModuleRegistry::getModuleName(unsigned int moduleId) {
if (moduleId >= modules_.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(folly::to<std::string>(
"moduleId ", moduleId, " out of range [0..", modules_.size(), ")"));
return modules_[moduleId]->getName();
std::string ModuleRegistry::getModuleSyncMethodName(
unsigned int moduleId,
unsigned int methodId) {
if (moduleId >= modules_.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(folly::to<std::string>(
"moduleId ", moduleId, " out of range [0..", modules_.size(), ")"));
return modules_[moduleId]->getSyncMethodName(methodId);
void ModuleRegistry::callNativeMethod(
unsigned int moduleId,
unsigned int methodId,
folly::dynamic&& params,
int callId) {
if (moduleId >= modules_.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(folly::to<std::string>(
"moduleId ", moduleId, " out of range [0..", modules_.size(), ")"));
modules_[moduleId]->invoke(methodId, std::move(params), callId);
MethodCallResult ModuleRegistry::callSerializableNativeHook(
unsigned int moduleId,
unsigned int methodId,
folly::dynamic&& params) {
if (moduleId >= modules_.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(folly::to<std::string>(
"moduleId ", moduleId, "out of range [0..", modules_.size(), ")"));
return modules_[moduleId]->callSerializableNativeHook(
methodId, std::move(params));
} // namespace facebook::react