
302 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import "RCTBoxShadow.h"
#import <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
#import <React/RCTConversions.h>
#import <react/renderer/graphics/Color.h>
#import <math.h>
using namespace facebook::react;
// See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#shadow-shape
static CGFloat adjustedCornerRadius(CGFloat cornerRadius, CGFloat spreadDistance)
CGFloat adjustment = spreadDistance;
if (cornerRadius < abs(spreadDistance)) {
const CGFloat r = cornerRadius / (CGFloat)abs(spreadDistance);
const CGFloat p = (CGFloat)pow(r - 1.0, 3.0);
adjustment *= 1.0 + p;
return fmax(cornerRadius + adjustment, 0);
static RCTCornerRadii cornerRadiiForBoxShadow(RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii, CGFloat spreadDistance)
return {
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.topLeftHorizontal, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.topLeftVertical, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.topRightHorizontal, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.topRightVertical, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.bottomLeftHorizontal, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.bottomLeftVertical, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.bottomRightHorizontal, spreadDistance),
adjustedCornerRadius(cornerRadii.bottomRightVertical, spreadDistance)};
// Returns the smallest CGRect that will contain all shadows and the layer itself.
// The origin represents the location of this box relative to the layer the shadows
// are attached to.
CGRect RCTGetBoundingRect(const std::vector<BoxShadow> &boxShadows, CGSize layerSize)
CGFloat smallestX = 0;
CGFloat smallestY = 0;
CGFloat largestX = layerSize.width;
CGFloat largestY = layerSize.height;
for (const auto &boxShadow : boxShadows) {
if (!boxShadow.inset) {
CGFloat negativeXExtent = boxShadow.offsetX - boxShadow.spreadDistance - boxShadow.blurRadius;
smallestX = MIN(smallestX, negativeXExtent);
CGFloat negativeYExtent = boxShadow.offsetY - boxShadow.spreadDistance - boxShadow.blurRadius;
smallestY = MIN(smallestY, negativeYExtent);
CGFloat positiveXExtent = boxShadow.offsetX + boxShadow.spreadDistance + boxShadow.blurRadius + layerSize.width;
largestX = MAX(largestX, positiveXExtent);
CGFloat positiveYExtent = boxShadow.offsetY + boxShadow.spreadDistance + boxShadow.blurRadius + layerSize.height;
largestY = MAX(largestY, positiveYExtent);
return CGRectMake(smallestX, smallestY, largestX - smallestX, largestY - smallestY);
static std::pair<std::vector<BoxShadow>, std::vector<BoxShadow>> splitBoxShadowsByInset(
const std::vector<BoxShadow> &allShadows)
std::vector<BoxShadow> outsetShadows, insetShadows;
[](BoxShadow shadow) { return shadow.inset; });
return std::make_pair(outsetShadows, insetShadows);
static CGRect insetRect(CGRect rect, CGFloat left, CGFloat top, CGFloat right, CGFloat bottom)
return CGRectMake(
rect.origin.x + left, rect.origin.y + top, rect.size.width - right - left, rect.size.height - bottom - top);
static CGColorRef colorRefFromSharedColor(const SharedColor &color)
CGColorRef colorRef = RCTUIColorFromSharedColor(color).CGColor;
return colorRef ? colorRef : [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
// Core graphics has support for shadows that looks similar to web and are very
// fast to apply. The only issue is that this shadow does not take a spread
// radius like on web. To get around this, we draw the shadow rect (the rect
// that casts the shadow, not the shadow itself) offscreen. This shadow rect
// is correctly sized to account for spread radius. Then, when setting the
// shadow itself, we modify the offsetX/Y to account for the fact that our
// shadow rect is offscreen and position it where it needs to be in the image.
static void renderOutsetShadows(
std::vector<BoxShadow> &outsetShadows,
RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii,
CALayer *layer,
CGRect boundingRect,
CGContextRef context)
if (outsetShadows.empty()) {
// Save state before doing any work so that we can restore it after we have
// drawn all of our shadows. This ensures that we do not need to worry about
// graphical state carrying over after this function returns
// Reverse iterator as shadows are stacked back to front
for (auto it = outsetShadows.rbegin(); it != outsetShadows.rend(); ++it) {
CGFloat offsetX = it->offsetX;
CGFloat offsetY = it->offsetY;
CGFloat blurRadius = it->blurRadius;
CGFloat spreadDistance = it->spreadDistance;
CGColorRef color = colorRefFromSharedColor(it->color);
// First, define the shadow rect. This is the rect that will be filled
// and _cast_ the shadow. As a result, the size does not incorporate
// the blur radius since this rect is not the shadow itself.
const RCTCornerInsets shadowRectCornerInsets =
RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadiiForBoxShadow(cornerRadii, spreadDistance), UIEdgeInsetsZero);
CGSize shadowRectSize = CGSizeMake(
fmax(layer.bounds.size.width + 2 * spreadDistance, 0), fmax(layer.bounds.size.height + 2 * spreadDistance, 0));
// Ensure this is drawn offscreen and will not show in the image
CGRect shadowRect = CGRectMake(-shadowRectSize.width, 0, shadowRectSize.width, shadowRectSize.height);
CGPathRef shadowRectPath = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(shadowRect, shadowRectCornerInsets, nil);
// Second, set the shadow as graphics state so that when we fill our
// shadow rect it will actually cast a shadow. The offset of this
// shadow needs to compensate for the fact that the shadow rect is
// offscreen. Additionally, we take away the spread radius since spread
// grows in all directions but the origin of our shadow rect is just
// the negative width, which accounts for 2*spread radius.
offsetX - boundingRect.origin.x - spreadDistance - shadowRect.origin.x,
offsetY - boundingRect.origin.y - spreadDistance),
// Third, the Core Graphics functions to actually draw the shadow rect
// and thus the shadow itself.
CGContextAddPath(context, shadowRectPath);
// Color here does not matter, we just need something that has 1 for
// alpha so that the shadow is visible. The rect is purposely rendered
// outside of the context so it should not be visible.
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
// Lastly, clear out the region inside the view so that the shadows do
// not cover its content
const RCTCornerInsets layerCornerInsets = RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadii, UIEdgeInsetsZero);
CGPathRef shadowPathAlignedWithLayer = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(
CGRectMake(-boundingRect.origin.x, -boundingRect.origin.y, layer.bounds.size.width, layer.bounds.size.height),
CGContextAddPath(context, shadowPathAlignedWithLayer);
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeClear);
// Just like with outset shadows, we need to draw inset shadow rects offscreen
// then offset the shadow it casts to the proper place. We can replicate the shape
// of the inset shadow by using 2 rects. One is the same size as the view it is
// attached to, plus some padding. The other represents a cropping region of the
// first rect, with the exact postion and size of this region depending on the
// shadow's params. We make this cropping region by using the EO fill pattern so
// that the interection of the 2 rects is clear, and thus no shadow is cast.
static void renderInsetShadows(
std::vector<BoxShadow> &insetShadows,
RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii,
UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets,
CALayer *layer,
CGRect boundingRect,
CGContextRef context)
if (insetShadows.empty()) {
// Save state before doing any work so that we can restore it after we have
// drawn all of our shadows. This ensures that we do not need to worry about
// graphical state carrying over after this function returns
CGRect layerFrameRelativeToBoundingRect =
CGRectMake(-boundingRect.origin.x, -boundingRect.origin.y, layer.bounds.size.width, layer.bounds.size.height);
CGRect shadowFrame =
insetRect(layerFrameRelativeToBoundingRect, edgeInsets.left, edgeInsets.top, edgeInsets.right, edgeInsets.bottom);
// First, create a clipping area so we only draw within the view's bounds.
// If we do not do this, blur artifacts will show up outside the view.
CGRect outerClippingRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, boundingRect.size.width, boundingRect.size.height);
// Add the path twice so we only draw inside the view with the EO crop rule
CGContextAddRect(context, outerClippingRect);
CGContextAddRect(context, outerClippingRect);
const RCTCornerInsets cornerInsetsForLayer = RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadii, edgeInsets);
CGPathRef layerPath = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(shadowFrame, cornerInsetsForLayer, nil);
CGContextAddPath(context, layerPath);
// Reverse iterator as shadows are stacked back to front
for (auto it = insetShadows.rbegin(); it != insetShadows.rend(); ++it) {
CGFloat offsetX = it->offsetX;
CGFloat offsetY = it->offsetY;
CGFloat blurRadius = it->blurRadius;
CGFloat spreadDistance = it->spreadDistance;
CGColorRef color = colorRefFromSharedColor(it->color);
// Second, create the two offscreen rects we will use to create the correct
// inset shadow shape. shadowRect has an originX such that it AND the clear
// region are both guaranteed to be offscreen. We do not want some combination
// of shadow params to allow the clear region to showup inside our context.
// We also pad the size of the shadow rect by the blur radius so that the
// edges of the shadow remain a solid color and do not blend with outside
// of the view.
CGRect shadowCastingRect = CGRectInset(shadowFrame, -blurRadius, -blurRadius);
CGRect clearRegionRect = CGRectInset(shadowFrame, spreadDistance, spreadDistance);
// This happens if the spread causes the height/width to be negative. A null
// rect breaks a lot of the logic, so lets just keep it as a point
if (CGRectIsNull(clearRegionRect)) {
clearRegionRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
CGPoint offsetToMoveOffscreen = CGPointMake(
clearRegionRect.size.width + offsetX + (clearRegionRect.origin.x - shadowCastingRect.origin.x)) -
shadowCastingRect = CGRectOffset(shadowCastingRect, offsetToMoveOffscreen.x, offsetToMoveOffscreen.y);
clearRegionRect =
CGRectOffset(clearRegionRect, offsetToMoveOffscreen.x + offsetX, offsetToMoveOffscreen.y + offsetY);
CGContextAddRect(context, shadowCastingRect);
const RCTCornerInsets cornerInsetsForClearRegion =
RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadiiForBoxShadow(cornerRadii, -spreadDistance), edgeInsets);
CGPathRef clearRegionPath = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(clearRegionRect, cornerInsetsForClearRegion, nil);
CGContextAddPath(context, clearRegionPath);
// Third, set the shadow graphics state with the appropriate offset such that
// it is positioned on top of the view. We subtract blurRadius because the
// shadow rect is padded.
context, CGSizeMake(-offsetToMoveOffscreen.x, -offsetToMoveOffscreen.y), blurRadius, color);
// Fourth, the Core Graphics functions to actually draw the shadow rect
// and thus the shadow itself. Note we use an EO fill path so that the
// intersection between our two rects will be clear. The disjoint parts of
// the rect will be colored, but because of the clipping area, we only see
// the shadow projected from the shadow rect, not the clear region rect.
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
UIImage *RCTGetBoxShadowImage(
const std::vector<BoxShadow> &shadows,
RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii,
UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets,
CALayer *layer)
CGRect boundingRect = RCTGetBoundingRect(shadows, layer.bounds.size);
UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat *const rendererFormat = [UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat defaultFormat];
UIGraphicsImageRenderer *const renderer = [[UIGraphicsImageRenderer alloc] initWithSize:boundingRect.size
UIImage *const boxShadowImage =
[renderer imageWithActions:^(UIGraphicsImageRendererContext *_Nonnull rendererContext) {
auto [outsetShadows, insetShadows] = splitBoxShadowsByInset(shadows);
const CGContextRef context = rendererContext.CGContext;
// Outset shadows should be before inset shadows since outset needs to
// clear out a region in the view so we do not block its contents.
// Inset shadows could draw over those outset shadows but if the shadow
// colors have alpha < 1 then we will have inaccurate alpha compositing
renderOutsetShadows(outsetShadows, cornerRadii, layer, boundingRect, context);
renderInsetShadows(insetShadows, cornerRadii, edgeInsets, layer, boundingRect, context);
return boxShadowImage;