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Raw Normal View History

2025-02-13 09:59:20 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
import type * as React from 'react';
import {ScrollView} from '../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView';
import {View} from '../Components/View/View';
import {Image} from '../Image/Image';
import {FlatListComponent, FlatListProps} from '../Lists/FlatList';
import {
} from '../Lists/SectionList';
import {ColorValue} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';
import {Text} from '../Text/Text';
import {NativeSyntheticEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes';
export namespace Animated {
type AnimatedValue = Value;
type AnimatedValueXY = ValueXY;
class Animated {
// Internal class, no public API.
class AnimatedNode {
* Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from
* animations. This is useful because there is no way to
* synchronously read the value because it might be driven natively.
* See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvalue.html#addlistener
addListener(callback: (value: any) => any): string;
* Unregister a listener. The `id` param shall match the identifier
* previously returned by `addListener()`.
* See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvalue.html#removelistener
removeListener(id: string): void;
* Remove all registered listeners.
* See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvalue.html#removealllisteners
removeAllListeners(): void;
hasListeners(): boolean;
class AnimatedWithChildren extends AnimatedNode {
// Internal class, no public API.
type RgbaValue = {
readonly r: number;
readonly g: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly a: number;
type RgbaAnimatedValue = {
readonly r: AnimatedValue;
readonly g: AnimatedValue;
readonly b: AnimatedValue;
readonly a: AnimatedValue;
type AnimatedConfig = {
readonly useNativeDriver: boolean;
class AnimatedColor extends AnimatedWithChildren {
r: AnimatedValue;
g: AnimatedValue;
b: AnimatedValue;
a: AnimatedValue;
valueIn?: RgbaValue | RgbaAnimatedValue | ColorValue | null,
config?: AnimatedConfig | null,
nativeColor: unknown; // Unsure what to do here
setValue: (value: RgbaValue | ColorValue) => void;
setOffset: (offset: RgbaValue) => void;
flattenOffset: () => void;
extractOffset: () => void;
addListener: (callback: (value: ColorValue) => unknown) => string;
removeListener: (id: string) => void;
removeAllListeners: () => void;
stopAnimation: (callback: (value: ColorValue) => unknown) => void;
resetAnimation: (callback: (value: ColorValue) => unknown) => void;
class AnimatedInterpolation<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedWithChildren {
config: InterpolationConfigType,
): AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT>;
type ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp';
type InterpolationConfigType = {
inputRange: number[];
outputRange: number[] | string[];
easing?: ((input: number) => number) | undefined;
extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType | undefined;
extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType | undefined;
extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType | undefined;
type ValueListenerCallback = (state: {value: number}) => void;
type Animation = {
fromValue: number,
onUpdate: (value: number) => void,
onEnd: EndCallback | null,
previousAnimation: Animation | null,
animatedValue: AnimatedValue,
): void;
stop(): void;
* Standard value for driving animations. One `Animated.Value` can drive
* multiple properties in a synchronized fashion, but can only be driven by one
* mechanism at a time. Using a new mechanism (e.g. starting a new animation,
* or calling `setValue`) will stop any previous ones.
export class Value extends AnimatedWithChildren {
constructor(value: number, config?: AnimatedConfig | null);
* Directly set the value. This will stop any animations running on the value
* and update all the bound properties.
setValue(value: number): void;
* Sets an offset that is applied on top of whatever value is set, whether via
* `setValue`, an animation, or `Animated.event`. Useful for compensating
* things like the start of a pan gesture.
setOffset(offset: number): void;
* Merges the offset value into the base value and resets the offset to zero.
* The final output of the value is unchanged.
flattenOffset(): void;
* Sets the offset value to the base value, and resets the base value to zero.
* The final output of the value is unchanged.
extractOffset(): void;
* Adds an asynchronous listener to the value so you can observe updates from
* animations. This is useful because there is no way to
* synchronously read the value because it might be driven natively.
addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string;
removeListener(id: string): void;
removeAllListeners(): void;
* Stops any running animation or tracking. `callback` is invoked with the
* final value after stopping the animation, which is useful for updating
* state to match the animation position with layout.
stopAnimation(callback?: (value: number) => void): void;
* Stops any animation and resets the value to its original.
* See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvalue#resetanimation
resetAnimation(callback?: (value: number) => void): void;
* Interpolates the value before updating the property, e.g. mapping 0-1 to
* 0-10.
interpolate<OutputT extends number | string>(
config: InterpolationConfigType,
): AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT>;
* Typically only used internally, but could be used by a custom Animation
* class.
* See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvalue#animate
animate(animation: Animation, callback?: EndCallback | null): void;
type ValueXYListenerCallback = (value: {x: number; y: number}) => void;
* 2D Value for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures. Almost identical
* API to normal `Animated.Value`, but multiplexed. Contains two regular
* `Animated.Value`s under the hood.
export class ValueXY extends AnimatedWithChildren {
x: AnimatedValue;
y: AnimatedValue;
valueIn?: {x: number | AnimatedValue; y: number | AnimatedValue},
config?: AnimatedConfig | null,
setValue(value: {x: number; y: number}): void;
setOffset(offset: {x: number; y: number}): void;
flattenOffset(): void;
extractOffset(): void;
resetAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number; y: number}) => void): void;
stopAnimation(callback?: (value: {x: number; y: number}) => void): void;
addListener(callback: ValueXYListenerCallback): string;
removeListener(id: string): void;
* Converts `{x, y}` into `{left, top}` for use in style, e.g.
* style={this.state.anim.getLayout()}
getLayout(): {[key: string]: AnimatedValue};
* Converts `{x, y}` into a useable translation transform, e.g.
* style={{
* transform: this.state.anim.getTranslateTransform()
* }}
getTranslateTransform(): [
{translateX: AnimatedValue},
{translateY: AnimatedValue},
type EndResult = {finished: boolean};
type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void;
export interface CompositeAnimation {
* Animations are started by calling start() on your animation.
* start() takes a completion callback that will be called when the
* animation is done or when the animation is done because stop() was
* called on it before it could finish.
* @param callback - Optional function that will be called
* after the animation finished running normally or when the animation
* is done because stop() was called on it before it could finish
* @example
* Animated.timing({}).start(({ finished }) => {
* // completion callback
* });
start: (callback?: EndCallback) => void;
* Stops any running animation.
stop: () => void;
* Stops any running animation and resets the value to its original.
reset: () => void;
interface AnimationConfig {
isInteraction?: boolean | undefined;
useNativeDriver: boolean;
* Animates a value from an initial velocity to zero based on a decay
* coefficient.
export function decay(
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: DecayAnimationConfig,
): CompositeAnimation;
interface DecayAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
velocity: number | {x: number; y: number};
deceleration?: number | undefined;
* Animates a value along a timed easing curve. The `Easing` module has tons
* of pre-defined curves, or you can use your own function.
export const timing: (
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: TimingAnimationConfig,
) => CompositeAnimation;
interface TimingAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
| number
| AnimatedValue
| {x: number; y: number}
| AnimatedValueXY
| AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
easing?: ((value: number) => number) | undefined;
duration?: number | undefined;
delay?: number | undefined;
interface SpringAnimationConfig extends AnimationConfig {
| number
| AnimatedValue
| {x: number; y: number}
| AnimatedValueXY
| RgbaValue
| AnimatedColor
| AnimatedInterpolation<number>;
overshootClamping?: boolean | undefined;
restDisplacementThreshold?: number | undefined;
restSpeedThreshold?: number | undefined;
velocity?: number | {x: number; y: number} | undefined;
bounciness?: number | undefined;
speed?: number | undefined;
tension?: number | undefined;
friction?: number | undefined;
stiffness?: number | undefined;
mass?: number | undefined;
damping?: number | undefined;
delay?: number | undefined;
interface LoopAnimationConfig {
iterations?: number | undefined; // default -1 for infinite
* Defaults to `true`
resetBeforeIteration?: boolean | undefined;
* Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values added
* together.
export function add<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
b: Animated,
): AnimatedAddition<OutputT>;
class AnimatedAddition<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Creates a new Animated value composed by subtracting the second Animated
* value from the first Animated value.
export function subtract<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
b: Animated,
): AnimatedSubtraction<OutputT>;
class AnimatedSubtraction<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Creates a new Animated value composed by dividing the first Animated
* value by the second Animated value.
export function divide<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
b: Animated,
): AnimatedDivision<OutputT>;
class AnimatedDivision<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values multiplied
* together.
export function multiply<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
b: Animated,
): AnimatedMultiplication<OutputT>;
class AnimatedMultiplication<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Creates a new Animated value that is the (non-negative) modulo of the
* provided Animated value
export function modulo<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
modulus: number,
): AnimatedModulo<OutputT>;
class AnimatedModulo<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Create a new Animated value that is limited between 2 values. It uses the
* difference between the last value so even if the value is far from the bounds
* it will start changing when the value starts getting closer again.
* (`value = clamp(value + diff, min, max)`).
* This is useful with scroll events, for example, to show the navbar when
* scrolling up and to hide it when scrolling down.
export function diffClamp<OutputT extends number | string>(
a: Animated,
min: number,
max: number,
): AnimatedDiffClamp<OutputT>;
class AnimatedDiffClamp<
OutputT extends number | string,
> extends AnimatedInterpolation<OutputT> {}
* Starts an animation after the given delay.
export function delay(time: number): CompositeAnimation;
* Starts an array of animations in order, waiting for each to complete
* before starting the next. If the current running animation is stopped, no
* following animations will be started.
export function sequence(
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>,
): CompositeAnimation;
* Array of animations may run in parallel (overlap), but are started in
* sequence with successive delays. Nice for doing trailing effects.
export function stagger(
time: number,
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>,
): CompositeAnimation;
* Loops a given animation continuously, so that each time it reaches the end,
* it resets and begins again from the start. Can specify number of times to
* loop using the key 'iterations' in the config. Will loop without blocking
* the UI thread if the child animation is set to 'useNativeDriver'.
export function loop(
animation: CompositeAnimation,
config?: LoopAnimationConfig,
): CompositeAnimation;
* Spring animation based on Rebound and Origami. Tracks velocity state to
* create fluid motions as the `toValue` updates, and can be chained together.
export function spring(
value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY,
config: SpringAnimationConfig,
): CompositeAnimation;
type ParallelConfig = {
stopTogether?: boolean | undefined; // If one is stopped, stop all. default: true
* Starts an array of animations all at the same time. By default, if one
* of the animations is stopped, they will all be stopped. You can override
* this with the `stopTogether` flag.
export function parallel(
animations: Array<CompositeAnimation>,
config?: ParallelConfig,
): CompositeAnimation;
type Mapping = {[key: string]: Mapping} | AnimatedValue;
interface EventConfig<T> {
listener?: ((event: NativeSyntheticEvent<T>) => void) | undefined;
useNativeDriver: boolean;
* Takes an array of mappings and extracts values from each arg accordingly,
* then calls `setValue` on the mapped outputs. e.g.
* onScroll={Animated.event(
* [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {x: this._scrollX}}}]
* {listener}, // Optional async listener
* )
* ...
* onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([
* null, // raw event arg ignored
* {dx: this._panX}, // gestureState arg
* ]),
export function event<T>(
argMapping: Array<Mapping | null>,
config?: EventConfig<T>,
): (...args: any[]) => void;
export type ComponentProps<T> = T extends
| React.ComponentType<infer P>
| React.Component<infer P>
? P
: never;
export type LegacyRef<C> = {getNode(): C};
type Nullable = undefined | null;
type Primitive = string | number | boolean | symbol;
type Builtin = Function | Date | Error | RegExp;
interface WithAnimatedArray<P> extends Array<WithAnimatedValue<P>> {}
type WithAnimatedObject<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: WithAnimatedValue<T[K]>;
export type WithAnimatedValue<T> = T extends Builtin | Nullable
? T
: T extends Primitive
? T | Value | AnimatedInterpolation<number | string> // add `Value` and `AnimatedInterpolation` but also preserve original T
: T extends Array<infer P>
? WithAnimatedArray<P>
: T extends {}
? WithAnimatedObject<T>
: T; // in case it's something we don't yet know about (for .e.g bigint)
type NonAnimatedProps = 'key' | 'ref';
type TAugmentRef<T> = T extends React.Ref<infer R>
? unknown extends R
? never
: React.Ref<R | LegacyRef<R>>
: never;
export type AnimatedProps<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: key extends NonAnimatedProps
? key extends 'ref'
? TAugmentRef<T[key]>
: T[key]
: WithAnimatedValue<T[key]>;
export interface AnimatedComponent<T extends React.ComponentType<any>>
extends React.FC<AnimatedProps<React.ComponentPropsWithRef<T>>> {}
export type AnimatedComponentOptions = {
collapsable?: boolean | undefined;
* Make any React component Animatable. Used to create `Animated.View`, etc.
export function createAnimatedComponent<T extends React.ComponentType<any>>(
component: T,
options?: AnimatedComponentOptions,
): AnimatedComponent<T>;
* Animated variants of the basic native views. Accepts Animated.Value for
* props and style.
export const View: AnimatedComponent<typeof _View>;
export const Image: AnimatedComponent<typeof _Image>;
export const Text: AnimatedComponent<typeof _Text>;
export const ScrollView: AnimatedComponent<typeof _ScrollView>;
* FlatList and SectionList infer generic Type defined under their `data` and `section` props.
export class FlatList<ItemT = any> extends FlatListComponent<
> {}
export class SectionList<
ItemT = any,
SectionT = DefaultSectionT,
> extends SectionListComponent<
AnimatedProps<SectionListProps<ItemT, SectionT>>
> {}
// We need to alias these views so we can reference them in the Animated
// namespace where their names are shadowed.
declare const _View: typeof View;
declare const _Image: typeof Image;
declare const _Text: typeof Text;
declare const _ScrollView: typeof ScrollView;