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select CONCAT('SELECT * FROM ',table_name,'; -- ',table_comment) tableName ,table_comment from information_schema.tables
where table_schema = (select database()) ;
SELECT * FROM sys_menu where visible=1 ;
-- 添加按钮
INSERT INTO `mallplusbak`.`sys_menu`( `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `path`, `component`, `is_frame`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `status`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES ( '商品审核', 2211, 1, 'goodAudit', 'store/goodsaudit/goodsauditlist/spuauditdetail', 1, 'C', '1', '0', 'goodAudit', 'server', 'admin', '2018-03-01 00:00:00', 'ry', '2018-03-01 00:00:00', '');
nohup java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -jar /app/amllplus/mojin/ruoyi-web.jar >mojin.log 2>&1 &
nohup java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -jar /app/amllplus/mojin/ruoyi-admin.jar >mojinadmin.log 2>&1 &
nohup java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -jar /app/amllplus/mojin/ruoyi-store.jar >mm.log 2>&1 & admin1 admin123
h5 13146587711 123456 admin2 admin123
-- 会员等级用的会员等级表中的id字段。会员表没有存会员等级字段 及时算的
-- 试用促销
SELECT * FROM ls_marketing where type=9;
ls_marketing_try lmt
JOIN ls_marketing lm ON = lmt.marketing_id
lmt.has_audit = '0'
AND lm.del_flag = '0'
AND lm.endtime < now( );-- type 0元试用类型 1 付邮试用 2 返卷试用
SELECT* FROM ls_marketing ;
-- has_audit 是否有过审核0 没有过 1 审核过 默认0
SELECT * FROM ls_marketing_try;-- 状态 0 试用申请中 1 申请通过 2 申请拒绝 3下单成功4 已完成(已提交试用报告)
SELECT * FROM ls_trysku_apply;
-- 活动结束后 可以展示 立即购买 然后跟普通订单一样购买
-- 拼团
SELECT * FROM ls_marketing where type=10; -- 营销类型 1 直降 2满赠 3抢购 4满减 5 满折 6 包邮 7 定金预售 8 全款预售 9 试用 10拼团 11众筹
SELECT * FROM ls_sku_marketing;
SELECT * FROM ls_sku where id=159436822555230;
SELECT * FROM ls_marketing_group;
select id,order_code,`status`,presale_status,evaluation_status,group_id,group_num,group_head,group_status,auto_handle_status,order_type,price from ls_order
where customer_id in (4,14,15)
-- concessional_rate 总的优惠价(包含订单使用的优惠卷 积分 红包 ,满减满折的价格)
-- group_id 团长 自动生成 成员一样的
-- status 1:待付款 用户刚下单2:代发货 (用户付完款 等待商城发货3:代收货 (商城已经发货 等待用户确认收货4:已完成 (用户已经确认收货 订单结束5:取消订单 用户未付款前取消订单6:退款通过 用户已经付款但是商城还未发货用户发出退款申请商城同意退款7:退货通过 (用户已经确认收货后用户发出退货申请,商城同意所有退货申请 ,一个订单可能有多个单品)
-- presaleStatus 预售订单状态 普通订单 该状态没作用 0 第一阶段未支付 1 第一阶段已支付第二阶段未支付 2 第二阶段已支付 默认0
-- evaluationStatus 评价状态 0 未评价 1 已评价 默认为0 未评价
-- groupHead 是否团长 0 是 1 否
-- auto_handle_status 拼团订单定时任务处理状态 1 已处理
-- groupStatus 拼团状态 0未成团 1已成团 默认0 -1 团还未组件成功
-- orderType 订单类型 0 普通订单 1 定金预售订单 2全款预售订单 3 拼团订单 4 众筹全款 5 众筹1元 6 众筹无回报 7 虚拟商品订单默认0 8 社区团购 普通订单
-- 判断会员是否在指定的团中
select id,order_code,`status`,presale_status,evaluation_status,group_id,group_num,group_head,group_status,auto_handle_status,order_type,price from ls_order
where customer_id=4;
-- 查询已经开团24小时以上的未成团或未支付的未处理拼团订单
select * from ls_order where order_type='3' and group_status !='1' and auto_handle_status !='1' and open_group_time &lt; DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 day);
select lo.*,lc.username customer_name ,lc.image customer_pic from ls_order lo join ls_customer lc on and lc.del_flag = '0'
where lo.order_type='3' and group_head='1'
<if test="groupId !=null">
and lo.group_id=#{groupId}
<if test="status !=null">
and lo.group_status != '-1'
order by lo.create_time desc;
-- 查询创建时间24小时以上的未支付的未处理拼团订单
select * from ls_order where order_type='3' and group_status='-1' and auto_handle_status !='1' and group_head='0' and status='1' and create_time &lt; DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 day);
-- 预售促销
SELECT* FROM ls_marketing where type in (7,8);
SELECT * FROM ls_marketing_presale;
-- 超过一天没有支付尾款 自动取消
select * from ls_order where presale_time < DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 day) and status='1' and order_type='1';
-- 有个支付尾款时间
select id,order_code,`status`,presale_status,evaluation_status,group_id,group_num,group_head,group_status,auto_handle_status,order_type,price,original_price,presale_price from ls_order
where customer_id=4;
-- 分销
-- 1 普通用户 2 商家店铺用户 3 店铺员工
SELECT id, self_recommend_code,commission,mobile,recommended,s_recommended,consumption_amount from ls_customer where id in (4,14,15);
SELECT * FROM ls_spu where commission_rate>0; -- 分销商品
SELECT * FROM ls_order where recommended>0 ; -- 分销订单
SELECT * FROM ls_order_sku where commission_rate>0 ;
select * from ls_pre_deposit_record where customer_id = 14 and status = '1' order by id desc ;
-- 账单进出类型 0 进 1 出
-- 账单记录类型 1 确认收货 2 退款订单 3 退货订单佣金 4 订单关闭(只支付定金) 5 推广订单提成 6 退货订单
select * from ls_billing_records; -- 账单记录表
-- 在退换货那边可以填写退货物流信息
-- type 1 退款 2 退货
-- back_type 返回方式 1 快递返回 目前只有快递返回 (退货的时候用户给商城寄送商品)
-- status 退款/退货状态 1:退款申请 用户发送退款请求2:退款成功商家同意退款3:退款拒绝 商家拒绝退款4:退货申请 用户发起退货请求5:退货拒绝 商家拒绝退货6:退货审核通过等待用户填写物流商家审核通过等待用户寄回商品7: 待收货 用户已经寄回商品等待商家收货确认8退货完成商家收货并且同意退款给用户9:退货失败(商家不同意退款)
select * from ls_back_order ; -- 退单表
-- 状态 0 申请 1 审核通过 2 拒绝 3 已打款
select * from ls_withdraw; -- 提现记录表
-- 类型 0 收入 1 支出
select * from ls_commission_records; -- 佣金记录表
-- 申请提现
customerService.updateCustomerCommission(withdrawRecord.getCustomerId(), withdrawRecord.getMoney().negate());
commissionRecordService.addCommissionRecord(CommissionRecord.buildForExpend(withdrawRecord.getCustomerId(), withdrawRecord.getMoney(), CommissionRecord.WITHDRAW_REMARK));
-- 拒绝提现
commissionRecordService.addCommissionRecord(CommissionRecord.buildForWithdrawFail(withdrawRecord.getCustomerId(), withdrawRecord.getMoney()));
customerService.updateCustomerCommission(withdrawRecord.getCustomerId(), withdrawRecord.getMoney());
-- 发放提现金额
WithdrawResponse withdrawResponse = AliPayUtils.withdraw(aliPaySetting, withdrawRequest);
if (withdrawResponse.isSuccess()) {
logger.debug("withdraw success....");
updateWithdrawRecordStatus(id, "3");
-- 积分 没有退货退款
-- type 积分类型 1 收入 2支出
-- source_type 积分纪录来源类型1 订单使用2 订单取消3 操作员修改4 签到5 积分商城使用6 邮箱验证 7 评论
SELECT * FROM ls_customer_point; -- 会员积分详情表
SELECT * FROM ls_point_cate; -- 积分商城分类表
-- status 0 待发货1 已发货,待用户收货 2 用户已收货,订单完成
SELECT * FROM ls_point_order; -- 积分商城订单
SELECT * FROM ls_point_setting; -- 积分设置表
SELECT * FROM ls_point_sign_rule; -- 积分签到规则
SELECT * FROM ls_point_sku; -- 积分商品表
-- 秒杀 需要先创建整点的秒杀活动 然后添加此时间之后的秒杀商品,然后加入此活动
select * from ls_seckill_scene where datediff(seckill_time, now())=0 and del_flag = '0' order by scene ;
SELECT count(1) from ls_seckill_scene_panicbuy where seckill_scene_id = #{seckillSceneId} and del_flag = '0' ;
-- 红包开始前 店铺参加红包,过了参加时间 不能参与
select * from ls_red_envelope
滿 滿
@tap="addCart('buy', true,item.groupId)"
requestMap:{gmt_create=[2020-09-04 10:04:54], charset=[UTF-8,123], gmt_payment=[2020-09-04 10:04:58], notify_time=[2020-09-04 10:19:26], subject=[(10)], sign=[crix8JrSnrenCRPFZrDpUPYwpUxoS4E2XgmnXYX1ilmxH49JiZn3KYfXuSJPTOcoSHfh6jsxnYrC1HdkmSViEEJmHMOeSyKbctJ1JYmr9yjaOx20eaTprXQwZ49M1H9oG9v0opZNZZeT7dJ1SUnN69WNH+PpwSYI4IwKYTKcTuIm8IheeU5d72IGJTvyGHe7n9anjWPkIjYf9LMF54emL4u8qZzuplBmdhu5YnPAlJVdhDJu9fB931UOrnoreX3F7cwae1iDfddzjK/flQhWuZW2Vq85G57aZe5DuRUKL5+kB52JbgXa16tFZgZvQrGZAYEgj3FcZy4vIksqgpmPwA==], buyer_id=[2088422463280841], passback_params=[1], invoice_amount=[0.01], version=[1.0], notify_id=[2020090400222100459080841412350872], fund_bill_list=[[{"amount":"0.01","fundChannel":"PCREDIT"}]], notify_type=[trade_status_sync], out_trade_no=[751035650966421505], total_amount=[0.01], trade_status=[TRADE_SUCCESS], trade_no=[2020090422001480841455284499], auth_app_id=[2021001186696093], receipt_amount=[0.01], point_amount=[0.00], buyer_pay_amount=[0.01], app_id=[2021001186696093], sign_type=[RSA2], seller_id=[2088931134220843]}
baseErrorHandler [ HOST: URL: ]
o-18018-exec-9] com.wanshun.wsf.user.provider.mapper.CustomerMapper.queryByMobile : ==> Parameters: 13146587733(String)
2020-09-05 08:50:36.038 137 DEBUG [service-user,6cdef7fa2d225116,6268b9af515744e6,true] 11187 --- [io-18018-exec-9] com.wanshun.wsf.user.provider.mapper.CustomerMapper.queryByMobile : <== Total: 1
2020-09-05 08:50:36.132 184 DEBUG [service-user,71a20cfca8899cdb,4556243d6e224acd,true] 11187 --- [io-18018-exec-8] com.wanshun.wsf.user.provider.service.impl.CustomerServiceImpl : addCustomer and customer :Customer(id=0, userName=13146587733, channelType=null, password=123456, nickName=null, image=, releName=, cardId=, gender=0, birthday=null, monthlyIncome=null, marriageStatus=0, mobile=13146587733, email=, province=0, city=0, county=0, detailAddress=, interest=null, storeId=0, type=1, consumptionAmount=0, payPassword=null, source=4, status=1, isMobileVerification=1, isEmailVerification=0, loginErrorCount=0, delFlag=0, allPredeposit=null, customerPoint=0, provinceName=null, cityName=null, countyName=null, createTime=2020-09-05T08:50:36, modifyTime=null, delTime=null, lockTime=null, lastLoginTime=null, customerLevel=null, checkCode=null, modifiedEmail=null, signNum=0, recommended=-1, sRecommended=-1, recommondCode=9sbm2wa, selfRecommendCode=null, commission=null, beloneStoreId=0, serviceQQ=null, subSpreadCustomerCount=0)
<script defer="true" src=""></script>
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return AjaxResult.error();
-- single store
update sys_menu set `status`=1 where menu_id in (2128);
SELECT * FROM sys_store_menu where parent_id=2282;
SELECT * FROM sys_store_menu where parent_id=2135;
-- sass
update sys_store_menu set `status`=0 where menu_id in (2135);
update sys_store_menu set `status`=0 where menu_id in (2143);
DELETE from sys_store_menu where menu_id in (2138,2149,2155,2177,2178);
-- b2b2c
update sys_store_menu set `status`=1 where menu_id in (2135,2143);
update sys_menu set `status`=0 where menu_id in (2128);
DELETE from sys_store_menu where menu_id in (2138,2149,2155,2177,2178);
update pms_sku set shelves_status=1,status=3;
update pms_goods set shelves_status=1,status=3;
SELECT * FROM ums_member ;
INSERT INTO `mallplusbak`.`ums_pre_deposit_record`( `customer_id`, `trans_type`, `money`, `current_money`, `remark`, `status`, `transcode`, `create_time`) VALUES ( 235, '1', 100000.00, 100000.00, '11', '1', '22', '2020-08-22 18:29:54');
AccessKey ID
AccessKey Secret